Chapter Ninety-Five

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! As I said, please excuse this. Correct me in the comments if I get a name or quirk wrong. I am new to MHA, but I do know some names and quirks by seeing them a lot. But enjoy!!!

Bonnie's P.O.V

The strange people introduced themselves and we introduced ourselves.

"So what are your quirks?" Bakugo asked.

"What's a quirk? You must remember that i told you while introductions that we are from another universe rather than your's" Freddy said, using his fancy ass words.

"It's like a superpower!" Mina smiled.

"Then none of us have it other then Lucifer" I said.

"How are you floating?" Hagakure asked, her uniform sleeve lifting up to Marionette.

"Its just something I can do. I can't walk" Marionette said.

"Ha! Useless extra wanna-be's!" Bakugo laughed. I can tell I am not gonna like this guy.

"Kacchan!" Deku said.

"Excuse him. He has no respect. Now which one has the superpowers?" Todoroki asked calmly. We all pointed to Lucifer, sleeping on air.

"Whoa! He can float?! I can make things float from gravity!" Uraraka jumped.

"Lucifer wake up!" Foxy yelled, pulling the demons tail.

"I AM AWAKE!" Lucifer flipped up and her eyes were wide and black like a alien.

"And get out of alien form" Foxy growled. Lucifer blinked and her eyes were its normal sunset and sunrise color.

"And for your information, I am neither female or male. But I prefer 'she' if you will" Lucifer replied.

"You look weak to a pulp! You all do!" Bakugo said.

"I'm gonna kill him. I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him" I clapped.

"Oh so you wanna fight now?! We'll do it! I'll win because I'm stronger then you!" The blonde laughed. I growled, and Shadow was right behind me, ready to fight.

"Hey we don't need to fight right no-" Freddy started.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FREDDY AND DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I yelled. He imediantly closed his mouth, and Bakugo caused a explosion coming my way.

I took out my reaper blade, jumping high and swinging.

"WEAK EXTRAS!" He yelled, and I came over and over at him, my eyes flashing red and anger overpowering me.

Suddenly, I was brought to the ground, with ice to my knees.

"We don't need this" Todoroki said.

"Oh you too?! THIS WILL BE FUN!" I yelled, and took out my famous chainsaw, slashing though the ice. I jumped up high before the two could hit me with their stupid quirks and black mist appeared under my feet.

My eyes were now black with white little dots as a pupil and Shadow lowered me down.

"AIZAWA GIVE US BACK OUR QUIRKS!" Bakugo yelled at the teacher. Kill them kill them all kill them kill them all.

"There is no reason for a fight!" Aizawa yelled back.

"Bonnie calm down!" Lucifer shouted, teleported to me and trying to hold me back. I easily smacked her off me, and she was sent flying into the ground, gasping for breath.

Aizawa's hair went down and his eyes turned back to black and all these.....superhero's were ready to fight me.

"BONNIE THAT'S ENOUGH!" My father yelled at me.

Uraraka tried using gravity on me, but it's hard when I'm a robot. Lida raced to me and with Mina, tried to use quick acid on me.

Again. It's hard to even get quick with me when I can see things before the blink of the eye. I grabbed Lida's arm, throwing him when Mina threw acid out, making a wonderufl compination.

"Mama please!" Nancy begged.

"HEY EXTRA!" I stopped and turned my head, and before I could reaction, a stupid explosion hit me, making me fly into this tall moutain of rocks.

They fell on me, and I thought it was it.

Foxy's P.O.V

Oh god oh god oh god their gonna die.

"HA! I'm the best!" Bakugo yelled excitedly.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!" I shouted at him.

"He was a little hard to beat, but we did it" Lida groaned, getting up.

"NO! YOU ONLY ANGERED HIM MORE! WHAT THE HELL?! HE'S GONNA KILL YOU NOW!" Gemina yelled and rocks were bursted everywhere, and I had to duck to avoid getting hit with a rock.

Bonnie as growling, his chest breathing heavily.

"We're doomed" Lucifer squeaked.

"What-?" Deku just took one step and Bonnie's head snapped in his direction.

"Powering.....Kill mode" Oh god no.....Bonne charged at Deku, and I had to think of something quick.

What is his weakness?! Umm.....

"His weakness is delusions" Lucifer told me weakly in my head.

Delusions. Need to creat a delusion.

"Wait why is he scared of delusions?!" I asked my sister.

"Because it makes him more insane. It messes with him. Try teleporting and getting his attention. Or, flashing bright lights at him. SOMETHING FOXY!" She yelled. Jesus.

I looked at Bonnie, trying to murder Deku.

God I'm gonna get my ass kicked for this. I teleported on top of the rocks and threw a rock at him, teleporting behind a tree. Bonnie's ears perked up and he turned.

I found a fireball and picked it up, throwing that at him. He turned his head into my direction and I managed to teleport places without him seeing and making him get off Deku.

Bonnie growled and looked around, grabbing his chainsaw harder.

"I got this from here" Lucifer said and a huge dome grew over Bonnie. The U.A students helped Deku up and watched. Lucifer stood up and went to the dome.

"YOU LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING THREE EYED-MONSTER!" Bonnie yelled, banging on the dome.

"THEN CALM YOUR ASS DOWN!" Lucifer yelled back. Bonnie turned into this....creepy thing(Twisted Bonnie), using his jumpscare on her.

Lucifer only hissed back, and raised her hand, making the dome go up. Bonnie stumbled and fell on his knees.

"Now dance" The demon chuckled, and her eyes glowed brightly as she shook the dome over and over again.

"That's enough now Lucifer" I said and her eyes went back to normal, and she put the dome back down, and opened it. The bunny inside of it groaned and held his head.

"Now what did we learn?" Lucifer asked him.

"Fuck off" Bonnie growled. My sister kicked him in the rib, making him go limp.

"Not the answer" She shoved her hands into her pockets and causually walked away.

"Power off"

Bonnie's getting beat up. Oop. Well hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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