Chapter One Hundred and Five

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*Cry* Almost there guys hold on. Hello blooming readers! Its me! Enjoy I guess...

Bonnie's P.O.V

Yay portals and getting killed.

I bit my bottom lip roughly as we entered the portal.

"Ahaha-" Everyone trembled except me, Foxy, Lucifer and Hades.

"NOW THIS IS A UNIVERSE! Why can't our universe look like this?!" I asked.

"M-mother can we please g-go" Joey trembled to Lucifer.

"Not now maybe later" Lucifer said and this....flying frog was buzzing in my face. It was really getting annoying. It had huge eyes like a bee, but it smelled like a flower.


I snapped my teeth at it, biting and chewing on it.

"Not bad" I shrugged.

"Ew" Foxy shruddered.

"I-....Uh......You might not want to eat those Bonnie" Hades squeaked.

"But I'm hungry" I growled, crossing my arms. Everyone backed away from me.

"N-nevermind" Hades said.

"Ohhhh what are these?" I asked, poking at this egg thingy.

"Spider. Please don't step, crush, break, mess or especially EAT any. That's the one thing you may NOT eat" Lucifer said.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"If you break one, then all these eggs around, will come at you" She replied, while looking down at this paper.

While they walked away to the desination, I could help but break into the end.

I took the small spider into my hand, but hesitated. It was a silver spider with green-ish gold-ish goo on it.


I popped it in my mouth and was surprised at the taste. It was like a sweet fruit.


I continued to eat the goo until I heard rattling. All the spider eggs around me started shaking, and I stood up.

"BONNIE YOU HAD ONE JOB!" Foxy yelled at me. Miny little spiders from the top came out the eggs, and as the eggs got father away from the where I was standing, the spiders only got bigger.

I fell down on accident, and the spiders started.....running? No. Crawling quickly towards me. I backed up, and Lucifer had this huge pink dome over everyone.

"BONNIE COME ON WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING THERE?!" My twin brother shouted at me. I tried to stand, but I guess was too late.

Some small spiders were on me, and I had no choice but to use black magic to put up a black and misty dome.

"Grrr come here!" I snapped and ate all the little spiders on me.

I felt banging on my dome and wondered if I even dared to open it to look.

I took a deep breath but Shadow appeared in front of me.

"That huge spider is bigger then Godzilla. I don't think I can keep the dome up" He sighed.

"So, I'm gonna die from spiders?" I said sarcastically.

"No. I don't think you will. I'll allow some spiders to come in, but I'm afraid you'll have to eat them" He snickered.

"Whats wrong with that? I haven't ate in two weeks. Let them in" I snapped.

"Fine fine"

Shadow opened up the dome a bit and the small spiders got in.

Hades's P.O.V

"Is he dead?" Luna asked.

"I don't know all I see are spiders crowded him!" Mike said.

"Should we check on him?" I heard.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I yelled at my brother's voice.

"Stop glowing stop glowing!" Lucifer yelled, covering her lightning birthmark.

"Too late I'm already here kid" Zeus said. Oh fuck me.

"WELL GO AHEAD AND SUMMON POSIDEN WHILE YOUR AT IT!" I yelled, roughly poking my daughters flat chest.

"Ow dad stop! I'm not that much in panic to summon him!" Lucifer hissed, backing up.

"So who's gonna check o-......are the spiders decressing or is it just me?" A woman asked and we all turned back to where the spiders were.

"They are...." Her husband said.

Slowly, the spiders started going down, and we saw this black misty dome. The huge spider wailed and shrunk down, turning into green goo.

Lucifer's dome went down and we slowly went to the dome.

The black ball went down, and Bonnie was sitting in the middle of it, with his eyes blood red with anger and green goo dripping from his mouth. He was breathing very heavily.

"CAN'T YOU FUCKING DO ONE THING RIGHT IN YOUR LIFE?!" Foxy yelled, smacking the bunny in the back of the head. Bonnie held his mouth and this shadow version of Bonnie stood in front of us.

"I would suggest not doing that" He said. We heard a puke sound and the shadow's ears perked up.

"Annnnddddd I was too late" He sighed.

"I never want to eat another damn spider ever again" We heard Bonnie mutter.

I raised my hand and my powers picked the poor boy up. He looked very drozy and when I teleported him to me, he had already fainted.

"Okayyyyy then" I was forced to carry my son in law, and we started to walk again.

Until we got to this broken portal.

It was just opened widely and carelessly, but it had time glitches covering some parts in the portal.

"What happened to it?" Freddy whispered.

"This look new. Someone was here before us" I said.

"No shit sherlock" Posiden came from this water puddle.

"Sorry dad I had to summon him. Now put Bonnie down and come help me" Lucifer said, getting out her magic and making it circle around the portal.

"What do we do?" I regonized as a guy named Teron asked.

"Someone guard Bonnie. The rest of you try not to die"

Zeus's P.O.V

I wouldn't trust mortal animals and humans with a strong guy like Bonnie.

I didn't wanna tell anyone, but I knew what this was.

I might be the youngest of my brothers, but I am the wisest.

But looks like I might have to.

The thing that caused this was......



Soooo basically if you don't know who Cronos, or Kronos is, then you've been living under a rock.

Cronos is Hades, Zeus and Posiden's father, and they defeated him, sending him to the deapths of Tatarus. A bad place. Well, for me, Avan, my OC, Foxy's bigocial(Don't care) father, is also the son of Cronos.

Well, Cronos escaped Tatarus, and went to the Gem Portal, which was that portal because he knew the others would be there. He was planning to take the most valiuable ones, which is Bonnie, Lucifer and another woman named Jewelie. Jewelie is a very powerful woman, but weak agaisnt Bonnie and Lucifer.

Since Lucifer is Cronos's grand-daughter, he figured he could use her to get out of the Relm Of Darkness Universe and come back to the galaxy, in-prisioning them and being their king again since he's a evil titan.

Ha hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

FONNIE!!! BOOK 2!!!! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt