Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Well, uh enjoy?

Bonnie's P.O.V

You know, I can't have one good day.

"Why do they call you Death anyway?" I asked one of my owners while I was sitting horiztonally on his lap. He was a handsome man, not gonna lie. With short black hair, dark purple eyes, a big scratch scar over his right eye, and very tall. A inch or two taller then Foxy.

"I guess cause my name's Reaper. And I scare them away" He said in his sexy voice. I took a sip of my beer, with was in a fancy wine glass, with a cherry on the top. I can't lie. Mardin has the best drinks and people.

I felt a shadow go over me and I looked up, only to spit my drink out imeditinaly.

"The hell happened to you guys?!" I asked, looking at the others. They were covered in scratches and bruises, and bad injuries.


"Last time I checked there were no hoolagans in any universe" I said, taking a sip of Saprone.

"It had tall scary buildings with flying spiders-WHAT EVEN WAS THAT UNIVERSE?!" Lin yelled. Tall buildings.....flying spid-.....

I almost gagged on my drink.

"Whoopies my bad. At least you came back alive right?" I shrugged.

Reaper snorted a bit.

"BARELY! DO. NOT. SEND. US. TO. ANOTHER. UNIVERSE" Yenndo yelled in my face.

"Fine whatever" I scowled.

"What world is this even?" Marco asked while rubbing her arms. I took another sip of drink. (Damn this dude be livin' that fancy life)

"This ladies and gentleman, is the one of my five favorite places in the universe, called Mardin" I said.

"It' I guess" Freddy said.

"Why is it your favorite again?" Ennard asked.

"What? Do you not like it here?" I questioned him dangerously.

"No not really. It's not really impressive to the other universes" He said. My pupils went tiny and I stood up straightly and smoothly, my drink just falling out of my hand.

"Excuse me?" I said. I could see Reaper sinking into the seat a bit.

"I-I-...." Ennard backed up and I came forward to him.

"Listen here you little clown faced rosey-cheeked freak you will NOT insult my universe unless you want to keep your head now do you? And if you do it again I promise you you won't see the daylight again" I said in a dark and dangerous voice, making him go tiny in his skin.

"Y-yes" He squeaked. The anger left my face quickly and my pupils went back to normal.

"Perfect! I'm gonna go get another drink" I walked back into the bar, and ordered another Saprone.

"Two cherries this time beautiful?" The bartender asked me with a wink.

"Why of course there pretty boy~" He passed me my drink and I took it, walking away.

Until this male caught my attention, making me stop dead on my feet.

Whoa whoa whoa hold up.

"Why hello there beautiful~" I winked, appearing in front of the male. He was a bit shorter then me, with a beautiful femaline(Idfc) body. He was wearing a long shirt with small shorts that I couldn't see.

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