Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Um, I really wanna discountinue Fonnie, because I meant for it to be a short little book but now it's like...Book 1 has 131 chapters and this has 83. And I promised a Book 3. Tch. I think I'll start Book 3 when I get Billdip, Chesguin and A Real Fonnie book done first. The other Fonnie book will only have ten chapters, the Billdip is just short chapters, and the Chesguin is just another story. So here. Have a Fonnie picture. Oh. And when I was looking up Foxy x Bonnie, I FOUND MY STORY!!!!! I'M ON GOOGLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! But a lot of people are on Google so I'm just a one in a million. Just a regular human. Nothin' special.

Bonnie's P.O.V

Now I gotta focus on getting the others alive.

"Do you have a idea?" Foxy asked, with his hands on my waist.

"No. I could use my energy, but the chances of my life going is high. Um. I could build a portal and bring back all the dead bodies and take the souls-"

"You sound like Marionette" Foxy said rolling eyes.

"I.....I think building a portal is the less dangerous thing" I said and he nodded.

I told him all the things to get started and we begane to work.

Past Bonnie's P.O.V

I was sitting far far away from the others, picking up clouds and gently tearing them apart. Guess the future me is crazy.

Suddenly, I was pushed forward.


"Pfft! Your so lame!" He laughed at me, and punched me. I didn't fight back for reasons. I just pretended like he was never there. Until he stopped, frowning.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" He asked. I scoffed.

"There's no point Foxy. You break me in the future. The future me told me so. He said that you just use me for my body and a house wife. He said that you just stayed with me, absuing me and even raped me once. And just left without a goodbye. So I don't care anymore" I said. He went really quite and sat next to me.

"W-well he probably told you all the bad things. Did he tell you anything good?" He asked.

"He told me at first you were very gentle and sugary. But then after the fourth kid, you began abusing me. Hell even Freddy and Mike were with us and Mike would just walk away and Freddy would abuse me to. Why should you care anyway? You just wanna make fun of me" I snarled.

"Well you are pretty easy to tease" He snickered. I glared at him.

"Its true! You have huge front teeth! And the most smallest tail ever! You even have whiskers! What kind of freak are you?!" He laughed. I just got up, walking away. I didn't need his pity right now.

But he hesitated and followed me.

"What?! What do you want!? Just to hurt me again! Go ahead and do it already damn! Just go away!" I yelled. He didn't say anything.

"B-Bonnie" Okay that surprised me. He never said my real name. It was either, 'whiskers, bunny, freak, unwanted, mistake, disgrace, or stick'

"What Foxy what the hell do you want?!" I asked. He rubbed the back of his hair.

"I-I......I know I don't make everything okay.....a-and I know nobody likes you and your loney(I just stared at him, giving him this"You're not helping" face) and all, but........I-I.....I just wanted to say sorry" He said nervously.

I blinked twice.

Foxy Dare? Saying sorry?

"What are you playing at fox?" I asked him.

"Nothing nothing. I just....know how you feel about being lonely a little" He muttered. That caught my attention.

"What do you mean you always had friends and a family. You don't have to worry about being lonely" I said, crossing my arms.

"You have to promise to tell NO one this or I'll snap your neck!" He suddenly snapped.

"Alright alright!" I said.

He took a deep breath.

"I uh.....was like you I guess. I never knew my parents well. Heh. They gave me away when I was one because I wasn't like them. I was lonely actually, before you came to school. But my sister Lucifer was at least there for me" He said.

"I didn't know your parents left you. I killed my original parents" I shrugged.

"Okay that's messed up" He said.

"What? You saw me in the future. I looked so badass and strong! I even killed all of us! I wanna be like that!" I said proudly.

"What no! We can't have a future because of him now!" Foxy snarled. I looked down at the cloud below my feet.

"I wouldn't want one anyway" I said quitely. We both were quite for a very long time.

"H-hey B-Bonnie?" Foxy suddenly said.

"Mhm?" I asked, making a rose out of the clouds.

"I-I.......t-this is a s-silly question. But c-can I k-kiss you?" He asked, figeting with his fingers.

Le what now?

I almost wanted to say no. But I couldn't help it.

"Fine. One kiss" I said, rolling my eyes. His eyes lit up a little and he leaned forward, giving me a gentle, long kiss. It felt weird. But nice.

He seemed really surprised when he pulled back and I pulled him back to me.

"I thought you said one" He said softly, after we made out a second time.

"Shut up" I growled and went for a third.

Wow. That.....that esculated quickly. Well I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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