Chapter Thirty-One

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! I'm listening to the song I put up there while in music class. I play the violin. But this is a amazing song. Just enjoy!

Derek's P.O.V

"Hello dear!" My mother said. I waved and my family came in. My strict father gave me a cold stare before coming in.

"This house is lovely" My older sister said.

"Right..." I said.

"It'll be perfect for you and your new wife!" My mother said. I almost lost my shit when she said that.

"W-what?!" I asked. Suddenly, a blonde woman came through the door. She was pretty I guess. But she wore a lot of make-up.

"Meet Swan!" My mother said. Brandon gave me a sad smile. He knows about Lin and Ash. But the rest don't.

"I am not marrying that woman" I snarled.

"Your 24 son. You have to marry someday" My father said.

"I think I already have someone I want to marry" I muttered, but they didn't hear.

Time passed and Swan was so attached to me. Me and my family were sitting on the couch, and I was drinking a bottle of wine.

"So you live here alone?" My oldest sister Lyla asked.

"For the most part yeah" I said.

"Must be lonely" My second older sister Malory said. Suddenly, there was a bang upstairs. Lin and Ash what are you doing up there?!

"What was that?" My dad Elijah asked.

"N-nothing! J-just the cat!" I said.

"Your allergic to cats" My mom said. Shit shit shit. Everyone got up and headed upstairs.

"NO NO NO DON'T GO UP THERE!" I screamed, chasing my family. They got to my room and I knew I was screwed.

"It came from the closet" Swan said. No no no no no no.

"N-nothing's in there!" I said quickly. My mom opened the closet and I covered my face with my hands. Not even daring to even peek.

"C-children?" Mom asked. Lin and Ash ran to me, hiding behind my legs.

"What are they doing here?!" My dad asked.

"Is that...a hickey?" Malory asked, pointing to Lin's neck.

"I-I-uh.." I couldn't save myself from this.


"I-I c-c-can explain!" I said.

Lin's ears went down.

"P-please stop shouting" He said. I ruffled his hair.

"Sorry Lin" I whispered.

"Get out the way! Are you boys ok?!" My mom asked.

"Don't touch my brother!" Ash yelled, taking claws out.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Brandon yelled. We all froze.

"Ok. You've all had a misunderstanding. I've seen these kids before. Linnaeus and Asher. Derek isn't a pedo because they actually all do love each other" Brandon said, crossing his arms.

"But-!" Lyla said.

"No. Trust me. Why do you think they ran to Derek? If he had been a rapist to them, then they would've hidden from him wouldn't they?" The only thing I am thankful for is that my brother is a very smart man that has a way with words. I took a breath at that.

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