56- Almost

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Midoriya´s Pov

As we are walking to the destination ¨Midoriya you were so cool out there!!¨ Denki says laughing with his arm around my neck. ¨The way you took charge was super manly right Kirishima?!¨ Mina says nudging him on his side. For some reason Kirishima doesn't answer and instead gives me a pitiful look. He's probably still worried about me. ¨It was instinct.¨ I said smiling. ¨Midoriya you should hang out with us!!¨ Dark Shadow suggests. ¨Hell no! Midoriya's already promised me that we are going to train together. Now back the fuck off.¨ Kacchan says pushing him away. ¨When...¨ Before I would finish my question he covers my mouth and pulls me forwards.

I was kinda angry, ̈ ̈Kacchan you can't push my pack member like that.¨ I complain. ¨So what he was he was trying to take you away from me?¨ He replies. ¨He wasn't trying to take me away. You didn't even bring it up to me. You just brought it up now after pushing my pack member down!¨ I yell at him. ¨Why are you getting mad at me? I didn't do shit!¨ He yells back. I can't deal with this right. As I turn around Bakugo grabs my hand and pulls me into his embrace. ¨Don´t...¨ He whispers. I must have grown again I'm right above Bakugo hair. A feeling goes through making me lean my head down rubbing myself against his spiked hair. He smells so sweet to be so bitter sometimes.  He looks up to me and my face reddens. As we get closer and closer to each other I smell something. I lift up my head scanning the area.  ¨What the hell Deku?!¨ I ignore and bolt in a direction. I could hear Kacchan behind me catching up.

As the trees get thinner I see the foul smell. It was a freaking cat!! ¨No Deku leave the Pro hero alone!!¨ I hear Kacchan yell. I can't control myself right now. As I ounce towards the blue haired cat another comes up from behind and grabs me by my arms. I chop and chop trying to reach the cat. ¨How dare you attack the Wild, Wild Pussy Cats.?!¨ The giant cat says. ¨Let him go, he has a very strong mutation that gets out of hand sometimes. Give him to me. I have his collar¨ Kacchan pleads for me. ¨Don´t speak to them Kacchan, their only cats!!¨ I say still squirming. Kacchan puts on my collar pulling me back. The rest of class catches up seeing me bark rapidly at the Pussy cats. ¨Dog thing?¨ Lida asks. A dog freaking thing I say mentally. 

Bakugo's Pov

I had to hold Midoriya down while the Pussy cats introduced themselves. They are basically a rescue squad that specializes in mountain rescue. They've allowed us to use their faculty to train our quirks and make them stronger. There was more information but I couldn't focus on the rest. Not only was holding back this giant dog from mauling them. I also was thinking about what was about to happen to me.

Was I really going to kiss Deku? And was he going to kiss me as well?! These thoughts, I couldn't take them away no matter how hard I tried. If I were to kiss will I have the power to stay with him. What if something happens and we break up? Not only am I losing my fucking childhood friend but also my heart.

Man the fuck up Bakugo!! Even if you break up you'll just have to win that useless shit back again! No one is separating me and Midoriya, not even fate itself. I need to hurry and make my claim. I can feel that the class knows that something went down. They'll do anything to stop us from getting close. Especially his pack members, they have a deep connection to Midoriya. They've also been glaring at the cats and I know that these are not their feelings.
¨And that's it for instruction!! Today is a chill day just cook what want with the outside stove then after that we have the hot springs!!¨ After the Pussycats say that the whole class slowly inches their head looking at Midoriya.

Hot springs…?

I got y'all main ship going now! How you liking it?

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