58- Broken Bond's

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Bakugo´s Pov

¨What the hell did you do to our Alpha?!¨ Shoji yells, pushing me into the wall. It was midday right after Midoriya kicked me out of his room that night. We were getting dressed for quirk training but as everyone else left I am being pinned to a wall by these pack fuckers! ¨I didn't do shit! Why the fuck are you even asking?!¨ I say shoving them off. I try to walk off but Todoroki tackles me to the ground. ¨He broke our bond!!¨ He screams. I feel Todoroki´s tears fall down onto my face just as the rest of them hold back their tears as well. ¨What do you mean broke your bond?¨ I ask.

¨We all woke up in the middle of the night and felt that something was wrong. You went to Midoriya room but heard noises outside. We didn't intrude but we saw you exit in Midoriya clothes and we knew something happened. We walked into the room and Midoriya was crying our Alpha was crying! We tried to help him but he  told us to get out and leave him alone. He was spouting shit about how he's not ready and he can't protect us. We tried to tell him otherwise but he ordered us to leave and we did. W-We woke up this morning feeling empty like we couldn't feel anything. We checked our chest and the mark was gone!!! We are no longer a pack he disbanded us without even asking!!So tell us what did you fucking do?!¨ Todoroki yells, punching me repeatedly in the face. I took it because part of me still believes that this is still all my fault.

If it wasn't for me sneaking into his room last night nothing would have happened. If I fought better he wouldn think of protecting class 1-A. If I didn't get attacked by a sludge villain he wouldn't think of protecting me! ¨Todoroki stop, look at him.¨ Shoji told him. Todoroki gets off and sits down on the floor while Tokoyami calms him down. I get and look at myself, tears flowing down my face. ¨Ahhh!!¨ I scream and punch the mirror leaving my hand bloody. ¨Please tell us what happened we deserve to know.” Shoji told me. They were parts of his pack..maybe they can fucking help I don't know?

I tell him about how I got angry at everyone advances towards Deku and how I hated the thought of him not being with me. How I decided to go to his rooms and basically maul him with my mouth. How his eyes turned blank as if the Deku he knew was gone. That he grabbed me, pushed into the bed and slid his tongue in places nobody has explored. I told him I tried to fight back but he was too strong. I didn't want to use my quirk in those moments. Deku already had scars and they weren't going to be from me. How it was until I called him Midoriya that he let me go and started having a panic attack. ¨He said he wasn't in control and he wasn't ready to bond. Not only did he reject me he rejected all of you. He kicked me out and I went to my room that's what happened.¨ I say finally finishing the story.

They all just sat there contemplating what I have told them. ¨Midoriya did all that?¨ Todoorki asked again. ¨Why would I lie? If anything I wish it was a lie.¨ I retort. Shoji looks at me grimly before asking, ¨Do you still want to be with him? You know after all of that.¨ I scoff at the question. ¨Why the hell wouldn't I? I´ve known him for all my life. Just because you used to have some mark on your chest doesn't make you closer to him then me! Now come on we got to until the end of this shit to bring him back!¨ I say. ¨What do you mean?¨ Tokoyami asked. ¨I want my Deku and you want your Alpha. Same goal same mission. Now get the fuck up we have to get stronger. It was this protection shit that made him want to protect us. Lets show we we don't need his fucking protecting." I declare as we march out of the room.

We are coming...

Extra update for Thanksgiving y'all!!

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