59-Christmas 2-Christmas break

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On the first day of Christmas this fandom sent to me.

One death threat just for me (For not agreeing to their ship)

The bell rang around the school signaling the end of school and the beginning of Christmas break.

"Alright get out of here" Aizawa rolled into his sleeping bag and landed on the floor.

Everyone immediately went back to the dorms so they could talk and make some plans for Christmas.

"So what will all of you be doing?" Mina asked the class.

"I'll be staying here" Kaminari anwserd first.

" How about we have a christmas party? " Kirishima asked.

" YES! " Most of the class agreed.

"As the head of the class I have to say no" Ilda spoke up shutting down the idea.

"Boo!" Most of the class booed him.

"Unless you agree to some rules. This won't go past our scheduled curfew, there will be no inappropriate activities and as long as we get permission from the school to do so" Ilda explained.

" Yay!" Most of the class cheered from the unexpected plot twist.

"Are you going to go Deku?" Ochako asked her friend who was sitting beside her on the couch.

"No. I'll be leaving in a few days. I don't get to see my mom much now that we moved into the dorms so I'll be visiting her. Plus my dad is actually going to be home for a few days so that's more reason for me to go home for the break. How about you?" Izuku asked her.

"Same for me. I gotta travel by a train though to get to my family." Ochako anwserd.

" Aww you aren't going to be here Ochako?" Mina asked overhearing her conversation.

" Unfortunately. But I'll be back a few days before the break is over at least" Ochako told Mina.

" That's something at least."Mina pouted a bit though.

* A few days later.

"It's snowing pretty hard. Are you going to be alright with your travel Ochako?" Asui asked looking outside to the snow that was already about a foot big.

"I'll be fine. A little snow won't stop me" Ochako was already dressed in her winter clothes.

"Oh hey Uraraka. Before you go I actually got you a Christmas present" Izuku approached her with a small wrapped gift in his hands.

" Awww! Ochako look! Your boyfriend brought you a christmas gift! " Mina teased causing Izuku and Ochako to blush at the same time.

"I-its nothing like that Mina!" Ochako said while red.

"I-its just a friendly gift. It's embarrassing though so can you open it up later?" Izuku asked her.

" Yes of course . Thank you Deku. I should have gotten you something. I'll bring something when I come back" Ochako thanked him for the gift and placed it into her bag that she was taking with her to her parents.

" I bet it's a love confession" Mina whispered into her ear furthering her embarrassment.

"Alright! Time for me to go!" Ochako quickly said wanting to leave before it gets worse.

She felt her phone ring and she anwserd it.

" Hey Mom." Ochako put her phone to her ear as she left the dorm.

"When are you leaving Midoriya?" Sero asked as he was playing Mario kart with Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari.

"In about another hour. I wanted to give Uraraka her gift before I got ready to leave" Izuku took out his phone to text his mother.

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