Requested: Eternal Art

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Requested by: lyokophantomsims

Loving the idea of having a swap so we see Deidara's reaction to Sasori and [Y/N] working on some art! hehe



"[Y/N], are you working today?" Sasori knocked on your bedroom door as you were getting changed, ready for the day ahead of you.

"Nope! How come?" You yelled past the door. As you finally got your last bit of clothing on, you opened the door to greet him. You paused at the sudden realisation that Sasori had a smirk on his face. Your eyes flicked side to side, " alright? Sassy?"

His face dropped back to monotone, "Don't call me that"

You chuckled lightly, "Heh, Sorry. Anyway, what's up?"

"You're spending the day with me today" He peered into the room towards the space towards the back of your bedroom, "Tell Tobi to stay out of here until tonight. I'll be back in a minute".

You sat waiting, sitting on the end of your bed, twiddling your thumbs. You had no idea what Sasori had planned, it sort of unnerved you how he would give you limited information. No request in doing things either, just stating it. But that all washed away when he walked into your room with a puppet in hand, tools and extra materials. He placed them delicately on the floor and sat cross legged, pointing to the ground next to him, "Sit".

"Do you remember the other day when you were having an art competition with Deidara?" You nodded in response.

He continued, "Well it's time to see what true art is".

You blinked blankly, "Meaning?"

He sighed out, "You're going to make your own puppet"

You inhaled loudly, squealing at the end of it, clapping your hands, "Oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun!!"


To start this all off, Sasori taught you the basics of puppetry and how to create the body and head as a base. Some things you couldn't do as it involved his chakra strings but you were simply happy to be a part of the whole project. It took the majority of the day and whenever someone would call or knock on your bedroom door asking if you were alright, Sasori would answer with a simple "Go away".

But after a few hours, when you spent some intricate detail in painting the features upon the puppet and dressing it up in some clothes you had in your wardrobe, it was complete. Sasori was very proud of your commitment to this, not that he would say that of course. But he wanted to wow you.

As your back was turned for a second, he used his chakra strings to pick up the puppet. It tapped your shoulder, as you turned you gasped. It grabbed you in a dancing hold which caused a blush over your cheeks. You had music playing on in the background to drown out the deadly silence as you were creating this masterpiece, which Sasori used to attempt to make this puppet dance with you along to. You were laughing with so much joy, to have such a moment with Sasori was glorious in your eyes. The puppet pulled away and took a bow, you curtsied back, smiling at the actions.

"Come here" Sasori directed. He sat on a chair and told you to sit on the ground before him with your back to him. He slouched forward, intertwining his fingers between yours. Slightly light blue beams appeared from his finger tips. Your eyes trailed along them to the puppet that proceeded to lift itself from the floor, "Move your hands with me, I'll show you how I control them".

You awed, inspired by his art form and more so at how Sasori was interacting with you. He's usually kept to himself but clearly seeing you practice Deidara's art form bothered him slightly. Which brought you to where you are now. You brought out your laptop, leaving it on your lap and brought up a youtube video, "Can you make it do this?" you asked Sasori.

A very faint chuckle left his lips, causing you to lift your head up into his lap to look at his face, hoping to see an actual smile. But no, it's just that small smirk. Not that you'll complain, it was good enough in your eyes. You turned the music up and Sasori's eyes watched the video intently, mimicking the dance with your hands in the mesh of it all as well. You were squealing with excitement.

"Alright, that's it!!" Hidan kicked your bedroom door down, pulling it off its hinges.

"HIDAN YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!" you yelled. He ignored you though, looking at the sight before him. He pushed his head out of the doorway, down the hallway and called out laughing, "DEIDARA GET IN HERE!".

"Hm, what is it?" Deidara peeked his head in and frowned so angrily at Sasori, "DANNA!!!!"

Sasori scoffed under his breath and lent down to your ear, "He's jealous" he whispered to you.

"Oh dear.." you said to yourself.

He stopped moving the puppet and let go of your hands, "Is there a problem, Deidara?" He crossed his arms looking partially smug.

Deidara stuttered, pointing at him accusingly, "You're trying to convert her to your art form!"

He shrugged his shoulders, "It's not like I'm converting her to Jashinism".

"Hey!" Hidan defended.

"Sasori continued the taunt, "At least now she knows what true art is. And as you can see, she's exceptionally skilled in puppetry". He said bringing the puppet up to Deidara's face.

You held your hands up reassuringly, "Can't I like both?" you said with nervous laughter.

"No" They both responded.

Deidara cleared his throat, "Alright, [Y/N] so you've experienced both art forms. Now you must decided, which is better. Hm"

Sasori responded, "agreed. Which do you prefer, [Y/N]?".

You sucked your lips into your mouth trying to think of a way out of this predicament, umming and erring. Fortunately for you, Zetsu heard the precidament and came to your aid. His hands emerged from the ground around you. They held onto you, pulling you into the ground. You quickly spoke before you fully disappeared, "Oops looks like I've been summoned, sorry guys! Thanks for the fun day Sassy!".

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