Requested: Allergies

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"My favourite time of the year" White Zetsu hums out as he looks over the flowers and plants with pride as they sprout and bloom under the warmth of the sun. Buds eventually open up giving the garden an array of colours, and Fruits and vegs soon ripe enough for the picking.

"Tobi can't wait to tan in the sun!" He says stretching his arms out, revealing only his wrists through his gloves and long sleeves, then a thin line around his neck and ankles. And occasionally, depending on the angle of the sun as he falls asleep on the grass, he might gain a circular tan over one eye.


"My least favourite time of the year.." Itachi mumbles to himself trapping himself inside the house, locking all the windows so no one can open them, allowing pollen to sully his sinus' this year. You're in the bathroom placing eyedrops in your sore, itchy eyes, "It's that time of year again! always looks so nice out but I always have to be feeling like rubbish!" You complain to yourself loudly, stuffing your pockets with tissues, ready to be attacked by sneezing fits and a stuffy nose.

Itachi leans against the bathroom door, "Even giving the house a spring clean doesn't help as the windows should be open. And I don't plan on letting that happen" he says zipping up the pocket in his shorts with the keys in.
As you rummage thought he cupboard you begin to realise you've run out of what you're looking for, "Goddamnit..I'm going to have to face the dreaded outdoors and head to the you need anything?"

"Tea and tissues please. I would come too but.." his sentence runs short with a sniffle as he slips past you to take a surgical mask in hand.
"No worries. I don't blame you." You set yourself up ready to face the atrocities of spring weather.

Hidan walks past, "What the hell are you wearing..are you trying to be Kakuzu?"
You have a surgical mask on to avoid breathing in pollen, sunglasses to prevent your itchy eyes from watering and a hood up, fastened tightly to hold it all together.
"Don't be mean, I'm ill" you pout past the mask.

"Aww, poor [Y/N]" he sarcastically says, the pair of you bidding farewells with a smile and a middle finger up at one another.

"Wait, do you want me to go instead?" he says rethinking, feeling like this is a moment where he should be kinder to you.
"...I don't trust you to pick up the right things. I appreciate the offer though"

"Whatever. Bring me back something nice"



"I'm back.." your nose was so bunged up that the didn't recognise it was you at first.
"Are you alright..?" Itachi says with concern as he comes to the door. You begin to rummage in the bag, passing him some items, "Vitamin D tablets because you won't go outside, dango, tea and tissues"

"Thank you, shall I make you some tea?"
"Please.." you say, feeling extra sorry for yourself as you toss the meat gyozas Hidan's way before following Itachi into the kitchen.

You seat yourself at the table undressing your face and going through the bag once more.
"What is that? Are you sick?" Itachi says seeing you take a tablet out of its packet. After washing it down with a cup of water you respond, "Hayfever tablets, they help with the symptoms. Want one?"

He begins to read the packet with a surprised expression, "These things exist!?" shocked he's had to suffer all these years without something so useful to him.
"Itachi no!!" he begins to pop out a few tablets, "You're only allowed one!"
"I'm very stuffy though.."

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now