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It was a winter's morning, the air was blistering cold and the sky was begging to snow. Days like this, you loved. To be able to wrap up in many layers and put on your favourite red scarf that was practically too big for you was your favourite thing about winter. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were rosy. Your lips hid inside the copious wrappings of your scarf and your fingertips hid within your sleeves of the oversized hoodie you stole off of Kisame.

Kisame and Itachi were awaiting for your hot chocolate order and their own drinks as you sat on the cozy seats in the cafe. You were focused on a mini game on your mobile at the moment, entranced into your own world. You had no idea that right now yoy were being watched by a pair of men. Their cocky words were overheard by Kisame, "Hey..check her out. She's hot"

"Hey..yeah! You think she's here alone?"

"She's gotta be. Who would leave a prize like that all alone? They're just begging for someone like us to snatch her up"

"Hahaha, got that right. Hey, fancy making a bet? See who can get her number first?"

"Tch, I'm not after her number..She'll be coming back home with me, that's for certain".

Kisame growled under his breath which caught the attention of his partner. Itachi focused on where Kisame was looking and watched as this hell unfurled upon you. The two men got up from their seats and sat on either side of you, one of them placed their arm around you, "Hey there, what's your name gorgeous?"

"Busy. Waiting for my friends" you said sourly. You've never appreciated rude people, especially the ones who don't know the meaning of personal space. But sadly, you were the type of person to feel guilty and rude when it comes to saying the word, no. So instead of moving his arm around you, you tensed up and kept your guard up. All up until the other guy decided to place his hand upon your thigh, inching disgustingly further up your leg. You hissed, now making eye contact, "Get your hand off me".

It was a bad move though, because these sadistic fuckers enjoyed the game, they squeezed harder on your leg whilst the other whispered vile comments in your ear about how you're going to be his and only his in a few seconds. You wanted to vomit at his vile attempt of getting a girl. You were about to bring up your elbow and smack him directly on the nose but Kisame and Itachi stood in front of the men, "You take the left, I'll take the right. Okay, Itachi?" Kisame said with a vicious smirk.

Itachi nodded in agreement. Kisame grabbed the guy who had a hand on your thigh by the neck, lifting him up, "You've got 10 seconds before I snap every bone in your body" regardless of his words, the man's face was slowly changing colour as he was losing his breath.

The other guy got up, squaring up to Itachi. Foolish move, as soon as he made eye contact, the guy was screaming in fear and ran out of the cafe.

You stared up at the two blankly, amazed at the scene, "Wow..thanks guys. But erm..I think we need to leave before we get kicked out.."

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now