Requested: Green Light

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I took so long with this request! My apologies! Real life got the better of me and also I ended up writing more than I anticipated for one game! If you wish for the other games then just let me know~

*Potential Squid Game spoiler for people who haven't watched it/want to*


"Sasori danna! Where are you - - What the hell am I looking at here? Hm" Deidara walks out into the garden, witnessing Tobi and Sasori working together on what looks like a giant puppet.
"Deidara Senpaiiiiiiii, you'll ruin the surprise!!! Come back later" Tobi yells, faintly tantruming which Deidara becomes weirded out about. Tobi never tells him to go, not that it bothered him. He'd be happily to be away from Tobi but he needed Sasori. He ignores Tobi, "Sasor - -"

"Brat, he said go away. We're busy"

Deidara was shocked, appalled and frankly; stunned. He moped back into the living room.

*Few hours later*

Tobi bursts into the house, doors flying open as Sasori casually follows pursuit.
"Tobi and Sasori senpai are done!!!"

"..done with what?" Kisame questions.

Tobi slaps his mask on both cheeks, "Stupid Tobi forgot to invite everyone! We're all going to play a game!"

"Pass" the majority of the group state. You alone stood up excited waiting.

"What's the game?" you ask

"Squid Games!"

" mean to tell me, you wanna play the games from that fucking TV show you made us all watch?" Hidan asks. Tobi nods.
Hidan is up in an instant, "Well all right!!!! Finally the twat of the group thinks of something fun!!!"

"Hidan-san, this is only a replication. No one will be killed, silly. That's dangerous~"

Hidan immediately drops down into his original seated position, "Well count me the fuck out then"

"You will all play because I have spent hours with Tobi creating an artistic masterpiece." Sasori claims.
With this heard you peaked out into the garden, "No fucking way...GUYS GET OUT HERE"

Curiosity never ceased to stop these boys so they went to check it out.

"Well, this is mildly terrifying.." Kakuzu grimaced.
"Can I blow this thing up..?"
"Perhaps when Sasori isn't looking" Kisame agrees.
"At least this thing doesn't move" Itachi reassures.

Tobi hops on over and gets into the puppet. The head is detachable, allowing it to rotate when moved, "Hehehe RED LIGHT!!! Green Light~" He swivels in the giant puppet, turning the head around 180 degrees, mildly creeping some of the akatsuki out.

"Wow Sasori, it looks just like that robot girl..." you say in awe but also nervous to be near the thing.

"I'm not letting my masterpiece go to waste so let's play for Tobi's sake."

"Tobi's sake. Sure, very thoughtful of you, Sasori danna" Deidara rolled his eyes.

Tobi spun the head around, "Green Light"

The group began to move forward, as they did Itachi questions, "Where's Zetsu? Is he not joining - -"


Itachi hadn't paid attention and was dragged underground by Zetsu, their way of punishment rather than something drastic as death. Itachi left with a small yelp which made everyone want to turn around and look but also not risking being caught.

"What was that about mildly terrifying, Kakuzu?" Kisame slightly chuckled hiding the nerves in his tone.
He grunts in response.

"Green Light~~"

Hidan decided to make a run for it, only to have Kakuzu purposely trip him up with a tendril in front of the others in hopes to know what happened to Itachi behind them.

Zetsu drags him under, Hidan claws his way at the grass as he disappears.

"So that's what's" Deidara gulped hoping not to get caught. "Green Light"

"GO GO GO!" you scurry, speeding past everyone only to trip over yourself. As you get up Tobi calls out, "RED LIGHT"
You're half way in a press up position and Tobi refuses to say Green Light. They all watch you slowly shake, "Come on [Y/N] hold it together!" Deidara encourages.

"I'd like to see you plank in this position for however long its been, COME ON TOBI!" you call out as your arms give way. Zetsu pulls you down, "Noooooooooo!"

"What the.." you look around, you're in darkness. "Zetsu where am I?" He passes you a torch. As you turn it on Itachi is sitting cross legged in the corner and Hidan is scratching away at the dirt.

"WHY DID YOU GIVE US A LIGHT YOU PRICK!?" Hidan yells as he continues to scrape small amounts of dirt away.

"Hidan if you keep doing that we will be buried under" Itachi cautions.

"ARE WE UNDERGROUND!??!" you panic looking at Zetsu.

"Relax~ There's enough air for an hour. Oh looks like Kisame lost, better go grab him"


"I thought you couldn't die"

"Shut up [Y/N] and help me dig!"

"I'm with Itachi on this one. Besides, Zetsu won't leave us here so stop panicking" Yu say as you sit down aside Itachi.

"The more screaming you do, the less air - - " Itachi gets cut off with more of Hidan's panic.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now