Requested: HCs of Drunk Hidan

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- He got Tobi so dunk that his Kamui took them both to another country. It took them both 2 days to realise what happened.
- Hidan got really drunk, smearing blood all over your room as if you've been murdered. Of course, you are drunk and in on this too. However the final shot of sake made you pass out, forgetting the entire plan; but also, making your lifeless body look all the more dead. Hidan fell asleep under your bed so the massacre of the situation stretched out for a little too long when the others awoke.
- You challenged Hidan to a tree climbing competition. You headed into the forest to find the tallest tree, having Kisame and Kakuzu as the referees. He watched as you both climbed a tree, heavily drunk, knowing this was a terrible mistake. And it was. You slipped and fell, luckily Kisame caught you in time. But Hidan continued to the highest point. Drunk Hidan is apparently scared of heights. 2 Hours later he still can't get down and you've called the fire department to help him. The only problem is, when Kisame told you two the story in the morning, no one understood why Hidan was up there butt naked.
- Hidan starts banging on the door, singing the musical version of 'Heathers'. "VERONICA, open the door please. Veronica, open the door" everytime someone goes into the bathroom.
- You once put on Kakuzu's mask and cowl and drunkily flirted with Hidan as a joke by Deidara. Hidan didn't realise you went into the garden shortly after and tried making out with Kakuzu in bed, resulting into him becoming a bloody pile on the floor.
- Hidan bleached your hair white and gelled it back to make you into a mini him. You also found out that drinking whiskey gives you a new personality, nearly identical to Hidan's. To which everyone politely dislikes.
- Hidan was caught putting vodka in a watering can to 'feed the plants'. He thought this is how Zetsu gets drunk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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