Requested: Little One

825 28 36

Requested by: lyokophantomsims


Thank you for the request. I now have the plan to get two kittens and once their personality comes out, I will name them after an akatsuki duo. Secretly want a grumpy cat called Kuzu and and energetic white cat called Hidan now >3 hehe ..


The rain poured down this evening and the wind started to pick up. Sasori was courteous enough to hold the umbrella for the both of you. As much as you enjoyed this gentlemanly act, you were trying not to say anything about how his arm was stretched vertically in order to reach your height as well as his own, the poor guy was quite short after all.

It wasn't long until you both finished work and began to walk back home however, something kept pulling you away. It was the sound of..meowing? It sounded faint, weak and frail, you couldn't bare it any longer. You HAD to find the source of this sound. Screw the weather you thought! You kept an ear out and scanned the area around you, Sasori caught on and followed as he tryied to keep you under the safety of the umbrella. "You're not making this easy for me you know" he said slightly frustrated.

"Can't you hear that though, Sasori?" you said a little desperate.

He stopped and listened out, hearing the same noise. He pointed to the side, "You mean that?" speaking so carelessly.

You gasped at the sight, a little black kitten. It looked so weak, cold and wet. Without a second thought you scooped the little creature up and pulled your jacket over it to cover them from the elements. "Come on Sasori, let's go home"

"You can't be serious.."

You looked back at him as if he insulted you, "Of course I'm serious. How can you say no to this little face!?" You let Sasori peaked in to it's shaky little body.

"Easy. No"

You pouted your cheeks out at him, "Yeah house, my rules!" you said proudly and continued to walk forward.

"You'd just bring anything home with you, wouldn't you" he retorted. You stuttered your steps and looked at him, "Sasori!"

He shrugged, not realising how insulting that actually sounded, "Well it's true. The Akatsuki, that little girl and now a kitten"

"..Oh ..okay yeah. You have a point" you sweat dropped.


"You have got to be kidding me..take it back" Kakuzu directed.

You cuddled the kitten into your arms, trying to hide him with your body, "No! Mine!"

"Quit bringing things home for fuck sake!" Hidan bellowed.

A smirk planted onto your face, "Okay..fuck off then Hidan"

His mouth agaped, a hand placed upon his heart, "You bitch.."

You chortled, "You're a thing I brought home if you think about it!"


You went to Tobi, who you knew would appreciate what you've done for this little kitten, "Look Tobi! Wanna help me help ...him? It's a him right?" You looked, "Yup. Tis a boy"

"[Y/N]-chan!! Is he a present for Tobi?" Tobi was getting excited, he went to hold the little kitten who instantly purred against him and booped its little nose against his mask. His heart warmed at the moment.

"We can take care of him for sure! Come on let's clean him up"

The two of you went into the bathroom. You were apologising every 5 seconds throughout the kitten's bath but it had to be done. Tobi grabbed a towel that was left on the radiator and wrapped the kitten up gently. Instantly the cat was purring with pure satisfaction from the warmth.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now