Request: Convention

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*Please bare in mind that the anime Naruto doesn't 'exist' in this reality so the Akatsuki can't be themselves*


Clothes, props, fabrics, all sorts were being flung around your room. Some even managed to fly out of your bedroom door as you searched and searched for what you had in mind. Tobi grew curious at your antics and popped his head through your open door. A cape flung into his face, he pulled it away observing before casually placing it on himself. He headed into the room, picking you by the ankles which were sprawled out from under your bed and pulled, "[Y/N]-chan what are you doing? You're making a biiiiiig mess!"

You rolled to face up at him as he let your legs drop back down, "I'm looking for my cosplay!"


"Yeah! It's convention weekend! I wanted to cosplay one of my favourite characters but I can't find half of it!"

"Tobi will help [Y/N]-chan!" It was then with a burst of excitement that he pulled the bed up, mattress and frame. "Now [Y/N]-chan can find what she needs!"

You hastily grabbed everything you could and pulled it out, scanning through all the boxes as Tobi gently placed the bed back down. He crouched down beside you, "Wow you have a lot of stuff"

You nodded in excitement, "Of course! I love cosplay!"

"What exactly is cosplay? and 'convention weekend' "

"Cosplay is essentially dress up but bigger and better! And a convention is a big place where everyone can go, dress up or not, buy cool things, see famous people and so on!"

Tobi gasped, "Dress up? Like halloween?"


Tobi grabbed your hands and he'd them tightly, bringing you close to his face, "Can Tobi come too?!"

"Even better, how about..we ALL go?!"

Tobi and yourself were squealing in excitement planning outfits for everyone before they can even acknowledge that they're being dragged out. "Is there a theme [Y/N]-chan?"

"Not necessarily but this convention is mainly for Anime, TV and Film"

"Tobi thinks Kakuzu and Hidan should wear this!!!" He pulls up two outfits which you snicker at. You nod with the biggest grin. "And Zetsu should wear this!"

Tobi gasped, ooed and ahead so loudly that it caught the attention of some members in the house.

Kakuzu and Hidan:
These two were pressed into cosplaying as Batman and Robin. Kakuzu wasn't as disappointed as you had expected. The outfit was all black, covered and nothing too extravagant. The character was pretty quiet too so it wasn't like you expected him to do anything but stand looking menacing. Not to difficult for him now, is that? Whereas Hidan had the classic Robin outfit. Green, yellow and red. Looking at it, he hated it. But once he was persuaded into putting it on, he stopped complaining and said the outfit was 'pretty damn comfy but could do with a badass weapon like my scythe'.

Itachi and Kisame:
These two wanted to pick for themselves with your guidance, more so than Tobi. Tobi kept saying they should be Captain Hook and a mermaid but neither were interested. You tried thinking of the best duos that could work out for them. You thought about their personalities. They're quite the opposites. Itachi is calm and collected whereas Kisame can have an aggressive nature. "That's it!" you said. You couldn't help but think Itachi would look awesome with the wig anyway. You, with his permission of course, bundled his hair into a wig cap and placed the wig on top. Kisame grinned widely, "I hate to admit it, but it does suit you, Itachi."
"Perfect!" you responded, "In that case, you can be Endeavour, you have the build for it after all."
Itachi was Todoroki Shoto and Kisame cosplayed as the 'Father' figure, Endeavour. Once makeup and 'burns' were added, these two looked like a great pair.

Deidara and Sasori:
Deidara didn't get a choice, after an evening of you and Tobi watching Demon Slayer one night, Sasori popped his head in to ask you something and couldn't help but become interested in the box Nezuko sits in. He became too intrigued that when you brought up the convention he suggested making that box himself. He wasn't phased about cosplaying as Nezuko, what entertained him was the fact that he could sit in this box, perhaps make some alterations to himself or have a quiet moment to himself all the while Deidara lugs him around as Tanjiro. Deidara was enjoying the change of clothes but once he saw the size of the box and heard what he had to do, he complained a lot but never denied doing the task. He carried Sasori all day.

This was your absolute favourite idea and Zetsu's as well. You showed some pictures to Tobi when discussing who the Akatsuki should dress up as and he LOVED this idea. White Zetsu couldn't get enough of it. "I always feel like Black Zetsu takes the spotlight and now, I can be in it."
Zetsu was Peter Pan, you cooed over his little hat with a red feather. Hidan mocked him for his tights, however. "You realise you're pretty much wearing underwear outside of your clothing, correct?" Shutting Hidan up immediately. Black Zetsu, was Peter Pan's shadow. It worked wonderfully. Black Zetsu didn't really want to come along. However he also didn't want to be left out. He said he wasn't feeling like..interacting with people. Which made this idea perfect! All he had to do was follow White Zetsu along on the ground!

Tobi wanted to keep his face hidden. Pretty understandable right? So he became Elias Ainsworth. He played the part well, wore stilts to make himself as tall as the character. He also loved the mask, but it took him a while to get used to. He kept bumping into the walls and door frames with the large antlers. He even went to the lengths of changing his voice to get as close to Elias' as possible. The whole outfit made him feel comfortable and hidden away nicely. All up until he didn't realise how much of a popular character he was dressed as. Many people wanted to take photos with him and this was the most interesting version of Tobi you had ever seen. He was so stiff and nervous and just, not Tobi at all. In the end you had to hold his hand and keep him nearby, politely declining his little fanbase.

[Y/N]: As the reader, you can decide this for yourself. Who would you go to a convention cosplayed as? Leave a comment!

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now