Everyone has bad days

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"Hey where's Tobi?"

You walked into the house, seeing everyone minding their own business in their own company. Bizarrely for you, it was a bit quiet. Perhaps this was enjoyable for the men in the house however it hit your gut and made you question where the happiest, silliest one is. The room responded with shrugs, half listening besides Kisame "He's been outside all day."

"Yeah, it's been fucking amazing. I can hear my own thoughts for once!"

"So the chirping sounds of grasshoppers and static noise? Hm"

"Piss off Barbie, I bet your brains full of 'Boom, clanking, fuckin' bang!"

"Do you two really have to ruin such a peaceful day?" Kakuzu sighed feeling the headache he thought he could avoid arise.

You looked a little concerned, turning to Zetsu. You knew these two were closer therefore you felt you might gain some explanation for him. Though all he did was look sadly at you shaking his head. You dropped your bag, keeping your shoes on and coat, heading to the back door to see if he was outside. Unfortunately he wasn't. You headed back to the front door.

"Oi Oi Oi, where the fuck are you going? You just got here! Feed meeeee!"

"I'm going to look for Tobi"

You closed the door behind you, not giving an opportunity for anyone to respond. Though Itachi looked up and questioned, "Should someone go with her? It's quite late.."

"I'm sure she won't be long. Tobi will find her. He always does."


You thought of every spot you could locate Tobi. The sweet shop, on the way to your workplace in case he was on the way to meeting you as he had done so in the past, the supermarket, the park.. Lastly you resulted to the woods. You kept walking and walking and on occasion you would call out for him. But there was no sign of him. You began to worry. Tobi would at least tell someone where he was going and he never is out for long. Lastly, you chose to head to the secret lake area. It was incredibly dark and you began to subtly regret your decision. You scolded yourself for not bringing a torch or something. Not even the moon was bright and full enough to light your way. But you were on the right track, you took the dirt trail down the cliff. The faint glistening of the water told you that you were in the right area so you carefully and gently stepped down the makeshift slope. Suddenly you stepped too close to the edge, a breakage of muddy debris made you slip sideways. All you could do was panic as the fear sent shooting through your body. You knew water was below you but with your sight not on your side, you couldn't save yourself. You screeched.

You began to brace yourself for the cold water but felt yourself surrounded by warm strong arms, "[Y/N]-chan, what are you doing out here?"
You gasped, realising that Tobi grabbed you, standing on the waters below before you could reach it. You looked up at him and held him tightly, "Tobi!!"

"Are you okay, [Y/N]-chan?" He brought the two of you up the cliff again and onto sturdy ground. He let you down but instantly you held onto him again, "Am I okay? Are you okay? I've been worried about you!"

He froze. Startled by your words. He couldn't hold you back as he was busy processing what you just said.
"..you were worried about Tobi?"

"Yes! What are you doing out here, it's late. The guys said you've been out all day"

His hands slowly lowered and rested on your shoulders, gently bringing you in. His voice was quiet, "Tobi's okay. I just wanted to go on a walk"

You didn't believe a word of it. The tone in his voice was nothing like the Tobi you knew. His actions were all strange to you. You pulled back and looked up to him, "Do you want to come home?" It was difficult sometimes, speaking to someone who wore a mask. You never knew what they're thinking. But something in your gut just told you Tobi is having one of those days.
You gently gave him a warm, welcoming smile. You held his hands, "How about.. we go get some food, buy all the sweets and build the ultimate fort in my room. I'll even make a sign on the door saying do not enter so it's just us two."

You could physically see the sigh of relief bring Tobi's shoulders down, his entire body just relaxed at your words. His fingers intertwined with yours, "Tobi would love that" he sighed out. It didn't take long for you two to head back.


Both of your hands were full to the brim with bags of sugary goodness. As you reached the door to your home, your turned once more to Tobi. His body was stiff once again, all that calm attitude had disappeared quickly.
"It's okay, you can come in whenever you're ready. I'll start prepping our room, okay?"
You headed in, instantly hearing the yelling of Hidan, "Welcome fucking back! Oooooooo! What'd you bring me?"

You kicked your shoes off and plopped a bag down in front of the guys in the living room. "I got you guys dinner. Tobi and I are having our own in my room. Do not disturb please"

Hidan was too fixated in fighting Deidara and Kisame off looking into the bad you brought them, Sasori and Kakuzu mindlessly nodded doing their own things whereas Itachi looked at you, pulling a lil face as if to silently ask if you were okay. A quick reassuring smile consoled in and Zetsu smiled thankfully to you. You headed into the room and got straight to it. You coverted your bed into a larger fortress. Tobi's blanket covered the mattress like a Teepee. You scurried into the kitchen, grabbed all the items you needed and scattered the food out, placed the TV at the end of the bed to peek through your 'fortress tent' and waited patiently on Tobi's arrival.

When he eventually turned up using his jutsu to escape the eyes of the others, vortexting into the room. You welcomed him with a smile.

"..What did you do [Y/N]-chan?"

"I made the ultimate fortress just for us two. I'm sorry to make assumptions but I get the feeling you didn't want to come in, so my thought was to make this like a second barrier to pretend we're not here and - - "

You heard a shuddering breath from him and looked up in concern, "Tobi?" He immediately embraced you, strongly, firmly. Not wanting to let go. With this feeling in mind you immediately reciporcated and squeezed back with equal tightness, showing you care.

"Tobi is so sick of wearing the mask..It's..tiring"

"It's okay. In here. You can be you."

"But..I ..can't take it off"

You pulled away, keep a hold on his hands, giving them a squeeze before bringing him into the little fortress. Shortly after you joined him with a scarf. You blindfolded yourself, "Now you can take it off, if you want. If someone unexpectedly opens the door even when I've told them not to, you have this as a barrier so no one can see you."
You heard the shuffling of his movements and then felt the warmth of the mask against your fingers.
"Thank you, [Y/N]. I really appreciate what you're doing for me right now."

Even though you can't see a thing, you still looked towards him in surprise, his voice was different. Faintly different and a bit more mature. You didn't question it. If he's hiding his face then it's no surprise if he's changing his voice to cover up any chances of someone guessing his true identity. He scoffed with a faint chuckle, you didn't realise your mouth was agaped at the sudden difference. He grabbed one of the sweets and placed them in your mouth to make an excuse for you for your facial expression.

"Guess I'm going to have to feed you if you can't see where anything is. How are you going to watch TV with me though?"

"That's okay. I've seen all the anime I own, I can picture it by listening to what they're saying. Besides, this is an evening for you, not me."

A very faint peck of his lips brushed your cheek, his fingers stroked the hair on the back of your head as he then leant his forehead on your shoulder, "Thank you, so much" he whispered.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now