A/N - Prompts

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Hello!!! I want to thank everyone for being avid readers of my stories. It's really been such fun! Also a huge thank you for so many requests! I've FINALLY caught up and thought seeing as it's been nearly 2 years (Whoa!) since I've begun all this, let's have some fun with some prompts. 

Send me a number along with a character who says/does this (Akatsuki, [Y/N] or even her summons!) Maybe who they're saying it to, you can leave it up to my imagination or send me what you're thinking and I will write it! If there are some prompts you have in mind, I am always happy to work with them as well.  DM or comment them down, either way that suits you!

Edit: Lemme also add that these prompts can happen in Akatsuki or [Y/N]'s timeline too !

Thank you again for everyone's support. You are all amazing people!!! <3


1. "Are you okay?!"
"She/They/ You/He stabbed me with a fork!"

2. "Why can't we stay here forever?" - DONE

3. "Time to commit a violence." - DONE

4. "Did we just-"
"We take this to our graves,"
"To our graves!" - DONE

5. "are you wearing my shirt? " - DONE

6. "Given your history, I should have known better."

7. "I forgive you." - DONE

8. *Jumps through a glass window* - DONE

9. "Say cheese!" - DONE

10. "The thing under the bed is getting good at whistling,"
"... Excuse me?"

11. "....Does this happen often? You seem.... oddly prepared."

12. " We're a good team, you know. " - DONE

13. " Don't say it. "

14. "You fucking idiot- would it kill you to be careful so I don't have to worry about your safety all the time!?" - DONE

15. *Buying something they've wanted for a very long time*

16. "I can explain!"

17. "There's no shame in crying. I promise." - DONE

18. "Oh good, you're here. Hold this" *Insert random item*  - DONE

19. "Sure, we can snuggle if it will make you feel better." - DONE

20. "You heartless monster!"

21. "Don't be stubborn. Try it!"

22. "Your bed-head is pretty cute"

23. "You're an idiot, I'm an idiot. we're the co-presidents of club idiot." - DONE

24. "You have no power over me."

25. "Don't be like that, you know what I meant."

26. "I-Is that... blood?"
"No. It's cranberry juice. Stupid bitch."


Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora