Requested: Deprived

642 30 40

Requested by lyokophantomsims

I noticed when you're half sleepy and writing you end up going slightly off tangent..but I still enjoyed the cuteness of Hidan so I hope you like!



"Nnnnnow. Nnnnnnnow. NOW!" You were staring at the tiny clock on your computer, it said 5.29pm and you were waiting for the big 30 to appear, meaning you can go home for the day. The anticipation took over as you stared longingly, doing this for the last 5 minutes. Sasori aside just rolled his eyes, continuing with his task.

"NOW! Come on Sasori, let's go home! A tub of ice cream is calling me.." you spoke with your hands on your cheeks, thinking about that delicious cookie dough. He continued to type away at his keyboard, "I'm working late today. Go home without me"

You paused and frowned, "What no, I'll stay and wait"

He stopped typing and swung his chair to face you, his face was expressionless, "No. I wouldn't wait for you, so I don't expect you to wait for me"

You sweat dropped, but with a smile on your face, "Aren't you just..straight to the point"

"I don't waste time. See you at home"

You grabbed your bag and waved him off, "See you later buddy"


"I'm home" you called out, closing the front door behind you. As you undressed from your coat and dropped your bag, you headed through the house. It was empty. Probably everyone at work still. You quickly went into your room to change into some comfier attire and headed to the kitchen. It was then that Hidan opened the back door, entering the kitchen.

You joked with a deadpan expression, "Oh..It's just you"

A tick formed on his head, "You bitch!"

You chuckled at his expression, looking shocked at your actions. "Can't I get a hello like Tobi or something.." he mumbled to himself. But you heard. And with that knowledge you smirk and pounced onto him, he caught you as you jumped and chuckled, wrapping his arounds around your waist. "Now that's more like it!" you smiled widely at him with closed eyes.

"Is it just you then?" He asked, looking a lil sheepish.

You noticed and squinted in suspicion, "Yes..why.." you pulled away from the hug.

You watched his hand twitch, he was thinking about doing something but was unsure with his own actions, not knowing how to go about it. That or he was battling his own mind. With flinching movements, he went and held your hand with light fingertips and mumbled out something. You tilted your head to the side like a confused puppy, the action only made him blush a little and stutter in his words, causing you to giggle at his bizarre shy attitude, "Are you okay?"

He scratched the back of his head and mumbled again, quietly. His hand was getting clammy and you found it rather sweet how cute he was acting, "What's wrong, Hidan?"

"Ahh! Forget it!" he panicked, realising he had been holding your hand for a little too long and power walked out the room. You were getting confused with his actions and just spoke up, "You wanna hang? I only had plans to eat ice cream and watch TV?"

He just nodded and scurried out the room, you snickered whilst heading for the freezer, "You can pick what we watch!!" you called out.

After gaining the ice cream and grabbing a drink for yourself and Hidan, you bounced onto the sofa aside him, "What are we watching?"

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now