Requested: Confessions to Madara

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So I have received some lovely feedback in regards to the chapter Sexuality and have been asked to write Madara's reaction <3


Your partner made everyone around him anxious by his presence alone. He was strong, the leader of the Uchiha Clan. But you? Never. You were the sole person who was able to see the real him under his strong outer exterior. After all, you are married. But on this one occasion you were left overthinking for weeks. You've never kept a secret from the man you loved but this one brought fear deep inside you. Would he leave you? Dislike you? Or worse; Be disgusted? There was no one you could think of talking about this to. Perhaps Izuna when he was alive, but sadly that wasn't an option.
You couldn't hold it in anymore and needed to express your feelings. It was only fair to let him know. He could visibly see the anxiety written all over your body for the past few days. You picked at your nails, could never sit still, eyes firmly on the ground when he was around and crossed your arms over your chest at every moment possible. He knew something was wrong. He asked simply and you denied, that was when he needed you to realise, you should never hide something from him. He firmly asked you again, making sure you didn't look away from his gaze and you knew it was now or never to tell him about how you were feeling. You rambled with silent mutters but he heard everything. You trembled on the spot, not fearing him but fearing his reaction. You kept telling yourself that you will lose the love of your life from this confession. But it was your feelings, it was what made you, you. You finally told him that you felt you were born in the wrong body.

"Me feeling this way doesn't change the way I feel about you, Madara" you stuttered. Daring not to look him in the eye as you felt like you may of disappointed him.

He spoke, "My dear, that isn't the part of you that I fell in love with. You may change your clothes, your face, name; whatever you desire and I will still be yours. Just do not change the you inside. As long as you are smiling then I am happy. If you wish to cut away at all this hair.." His fingers brush through your long hair and his eyes never waver from yours, "..then I will still find you the most beautiful of them all"

He lowers himself to brush his lips against yours. As he pulls away to gauge your reaction, he didn't expect small tears to pool in your eyes as you smiled. The relief visibly fell off your shoulders. You relaxed immediately at his words and held him in a tight embrace, "Thank you"

After a few moments of allowing you to calm down, he pulls back and brushes your tears away, "This confession only shows me that you are stronger than anyone I know"

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