Requested: All but Tobi

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So alot of you have asked what if another Akatsuki member had the chance with [Y/N] apart from TobiObi so I merged them together to create mini HC for them all

These little Headcanons consists of how they came to like you, how they went about telling you their feelings/ asking you out and other members' reaction to you two dating



- Deidara fell for you as soon as he saw the expression you made when he created his first little explosions in front of you
- You called him talented for one. His inner Dei was screaming like a fanboy at being noticed and praised by you.
- He took every chance to make you little trinkets of your favourite things. He would leave them in places only you would find. You were usually up first for work, so there would be a sticky note on the mirror, saying "Have a good day at work" and by your toothbrush would be this clay figure of a cute little red panda. By the keys would be a little clay chibi you. And in your bag, which you wouldn't see until you were at work would be a little Deidara holding a little note saying cute things like, "Don't miss me too much!". These trinkets would be presented by your computer at work or on your bed side table for you to always see. These were special to you. Nobody was allowed to touch.
- It didn't help his feelings towards you when you started stroking and playing with his hair one day as you both were on the sofa either. The two of you slowly fell asleep on each other and this became a regular thing.
- Of course Tobi came along and drew on both of your faces. Every. Time.
- He asked you out in such an extravagant way, to you that is. To him, this was 'simple'. He respected that you stated no bombs whilst living in your timeline. So at the dead of night, the two of you soared in the skies on his clay bird towards the ocean. A beautiful scenery really, the stars reflected on the waters and the moon was full and at its highest. He created his first ever, very colourful bombs that acted like fireworks. He threw them down and they blew up in a shape of a heart. He then took your hand, incredibly nervously and red in the face with embarrassment and confessed to you.
- Hidan of course, took every opportunity to ruin any moment he could between you two.  -"Because it's funny", he said. You two are alone in the living room watching a movie under a blanket? Wrong. Hidan is behind the sofa, pops out and asks very private questions, "Do you get yourself off with your hands? Make out with one and fuck the other?"
- Romantic little moments were cut short with Deidara's temper and Hidan's antics.
- The rest of the Akatsuki had no quarrels and left you be. They only threatened Deidara, once. And that was to never risk hurting you with his explosives.
- Even Tobi attempted very hard to sound mature (It's Tobi..come on) and he sat Deidara down and said regardless of being his senpai, he will choke Deidara if he ever harmed his favourite [Y/N]-chan. That didn't go too well.. The Akatsuki were crying in fits of laugher but Deidara, well he blew a hole in your bedroom wall chasing him down after that.


- Poor Hidan had no idea what to do when he fell for you. He's never experienced love before.
- He actually asked Kakuzu what to do after slowly becoming desperate.
- Kakuzu took a while to believe him until he saw that he couldn't even look at Kakuzu and was beet red in the face talking about it
- Safe to say, he did help him. For a price that is.
- Kakuzu did give some good ideas to Hidan. However Hidan wasn't good at putting them into play.
- He got really bashful over this and couldn't say or do as advised, so he changed it up a bit. He'd poke his head into the bathroom as you're putting makeup on, "You're hot, take that shit off your face" and he'd rush off with an excuse.
- He would leave you a flower on your pillow every morning before you awoke. He was too nervous to leave a note or let you know it was him though. You assumed it was Zetsu at first, makes sense, right? So you thanked him. Zetsu was very confused.
- It was then that Kakuzu had to quietly explain to the others what was going on. "Do not ruin this or I will not get my payment. Understand?" he says with tendrils threatening hovering over him.
- At first, the Akatsuki disapproved, knowing what a psychotic maniac Hidan can be. But seeing how he was acting around you, surprised them. They watched from afar as he tried and tried, and they soon saw he was becoming a better man because of his love for you.
- He swore a lot less around you. He even helped you around the house without needing to be asked.
- He would wait everyday to walk you home from work, forgetting that Sasori works with you too, then yelling at him for ruining 'everything'.
- Kisame and Itachi went on a walk out through the woods one day and saw Hidan creating writing in the grass. Apparently he saw on a TV show where someone wrote 'will you marry me?' in the sky and so decided to write, 'Will you date me' in his own blood, to personalise it in his own style, of course. The pair panicked and persuaded him in every way possible to not go through with this plan and simply just ask you instead.
- They could see he was really trying his best. It was painfully adorable.

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