Requested: Art Competition

805 35 13

Requested by: lyokophantomsims

Thank you for this fun request! I had a few ideas to be honest, it's hard to keep these reasonably short! I could go on and on with these ideas sometimes hehe



"Hm?" The guy was so focused on his clay that he didn't look up to you but he wanted to at least make you aware that he was listening.

"I'm bored~"

"Go annoy Tobi then"

You gasped as if you were insulted, "Me? Annoy Tobi? I'm very fun, thank you very much".

He snickered at your reaction whilst continuing to mold his clay in his mouthed hands. You watched with curiosity over his shoulder, "[Y/N], don't be Tobi. Luring over my shoulder makes things difficult, hm".

You let a small smirk creep across the side of your lip. Bouncing to your knees, you crawled into the gap between his crossed legs and his left arm. Your elbows and torso laid in his lap as your legs kick back and forth to his side. He rolls his eyes at your immaturity but still chortled, he couldn't say it was cute otherwise Tobi would get ideas.

"Whatcha doing?" you said cutely.

"What's it look like? Hm" he said, repeating in your sing song voice.

"Playing with white crap, getting saliva all over it" pointing at his mouth hands.

"Excuse me, but this 'white crap' is clay, my clay. My art. Hm". He said proudly as he created a small spider, presenting it to you. You 'ooed' and 'awed' at his masterpiece.

"You said you're bored, right?" he asked. You spun round to look up at him upside down and smiled, nodding.

He smirked, "I challenge you to an art competition, Hm".

You squinted your eyes at him, "Name the conditions".

"You make art my way, I'll make art your way. Think of something for us to create whilst I get more clay, Deal?".

"Haha! Deal! Hmm what is art, my way...?" You laid there pondering as Deidara pulled himself away from you in order to find some more clay for you to use.


Upon his arrival, Tobi sat aside you. You were sat with a notepad, couple of paints, pencil and eraser. Deidara cocked his head to the side, coming back to sit in front of you, "What's Tobi doing here? Hm"

"[Y/N]-chan said you needed a muse" He began to pose dramatically in front of you two. Deidara's eyebrow twitched with annoyance as you burst into laughter.

"We need to create our art on the same thing don't we? Otherwise how can we compare?"

He hummed, understanding your reasoning, but Tobi?

You passed him your supplies, "Here, use this in anyway you like. Sketch or paint, your choice. Now gimme the clay!" you began to grow excited.

He passed it to you, you scooted with your back against the sofa and started to pull your hands up like a frame, "Okay Tobi now...pick a pose and stay still"

He froze in the classic, 'draw me like one of your french girls' causing you to giggle and Deidara to cringe.

"Now...ART!" Tobi declared.


An hour of bizarre silence went by, which confused many of the men who walked into the room, such as Kisame and Kakuzu. They actually took advantage of the silence, all up until Hidan started to annoy the pair. The two of you eventually came to a completion.

"Done!" you exclaimed, proud of your achievement.

Deidara nodded, holding the paper up proudly up in satisfaction with his work. Tobi took this as a sign to move, he flopped to the ground letting out a loud sigh, "Boy that was a hard position to sleep in".

You cocked your head to the side, "You were sleeping?"

"Why else do you think it was so peaceful, hm"

"What are you two doing?" Sasori appeared from the hallway. You beamed a smile up at him, presenting your clay masterpiece, "Looky Sasori! Deidara and I are having an art competition with each others art forms".

"Deidara..this was your doing, wasn't it" It was more so a statement than a question. He was a tad peeved you were using Deidara's form of art and not his. You pouted, a little sad, "You don't like it?"

He sensed your sadness and felt a twinge of guilt. He came towards you, crouching down in front to observe your art. "Well, I can tell it's Tobi. Your form is quite exceptional. Perhaps you should try working with puppetry next time". Your eyes sparkled, feeling like a child being praised for doing well in school, "Yes I'd love to give it a try!" You grinned from ear to ear.

"Danna!" Deidara yelled out of jealousy.

Sasori turned to grab the paper out of Deidara's hands to view his work, "What is this.."

"It's Tobi! Hm"

"...stick to your clay" he said tossing him back the paper. He went to leave the room but stopped in the doorway, "Deidara, you do realise that you've created art using similar mediums to my own, right?"

Deidara squinted at his art, "Hm, But it's paper.."

"Paper comes from trees, like how my puppets are made from wood, idiot"

Deidara gasped almost disgusted with himself for not realising this sooner.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you" He whispered to you. Your laughed at his actions and shook your head, "Not on purpose, promise. Hey! This was your idea!"

"But guys, this was a competition, so who won?" Tobi queried.

The pair of you shouted in unison, "Me, Obviously (Hm)"

Once realising this, you both squinted at one another. You pointed two fingers at your eyes then at him as if to say 'I'm watching you'.

"Enough of this, the truth is.." Deidara took your clay, screwed his paper into a ball, combining them both and threw it in the air. "Because art is..." He placed a handsign to his face, "AN EXPLOSION".

The smoke alarm went off in your house, causing a ruckus from Hidan, Kisame and Kakuzu in the kitchen, Deidara sheepishly attempted to escape out of the living room window after hearing the complaints but Sasori used his chakra strings to pull him back in order to receive his punishment. During this commotion, you pulled your hoodie off in order to fan the smoke out of the window frantically.

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