Requested: Secret Santa

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A/N: Requested by galaxia_chan20

Thank you for the request! It was fun to write ~


Tobi kept aweing at the sight outside the window. Zetsu too sat beside him, curious.

"[Y/N]-chan, [Y/N]-chan, [Y/N]-chan, [Y/N]-chan ~"

You hummed in response as you battled out against Kisame on the PS4. "What's happening? Why are there so many pretty lights outside?"

"Hang on" You said leaning to the side, focusing with all your might on the game ahead of you.

Kakuzu looked outside, "Hmph, what a waste of money".

"It's still pretty~" Tobi pouted.

"YES! HAHA BEAT YOU!!" you said poking Kisame's chest with your elbow, smirking smugly.

"Beat me on a game but you'll never beat me in a real fight" he cooed tauntingly. You stood up, playfully and lightly punching him and doing slow mo spin kicks like in the game, all until he grabbed your ankle and lightly twisting it without harming so you fell on the ground, he started to laugh with you until Tobi started kicking his legs saying you're ignoring him. You got up and slipped between Zetsu and Tobi, looking out. "It's christmas soon. So they're decorating" You smiled.

"What's Christmas?"

You audibly gasped, slapping your cheeks, "You don't know what Christmas is?" Zetsu simply shrugged. You started to explain what Christmas was, the day and how it is celebrated.

"Sounds like a waste of money" Kakuzu retorted.
You rolled your eyes, "I bet you don't even celebrate holidays or birthdays, all of it is a waste of money to you" He sulked.
He shrugged, "It's true"

You groaned out, "That's no funnnn..."

"[Y/N]-chan, can we celebrate christmas?" Tobi asked, with a glint of excitement beaming out of his mask's eye hole. Your grinned from ear to ear, "Of course!"

"Count me out" Hidan scoffed.
"What why?!"

"It has nothing to do with Jashin" he shrugged.

"FINE THEN. Tobi will have your presents~" Tobi chuckled.
"We could do a secret santa. That way it won't cost a lot and everyone gets one gift" You said with a finger to your chin.

"That sounds fair" Itachi said.

"..I wanna present.." Hidan mumbled.

"Screw the presents, I want the food" Deidara began to drool at the thought of all of the food you mentioned in your explanation of christmas.

"Tobi wants the christmas movies!!"

"What's secret santa?" Zetsu asked, bringing the conversation back.

"Oh right, Secret Santa is what I'm currently doing at work. We pick a name out of a hat and we have to buy that person a gift. We had a budget of £10 to use. You don't tell anyone who you have until on the day when you give them their present"

"But Tobi wants to give [Y/N]-chan a gift.." he grumbled.
You smiled, "Better hope you pick me from the hat then!"


"Now then, Pass the hat around the room, pick up a piece of paper and that is the person you are to buy a gift for. No one else and keep it to yourselves, all will be revealed on the day" You smiled excitedly whilst you pulled out a name, peeking at it and then quickly holding it to your chest to hold its secrecy. You pulled your best poker face possible, instead you terribly held back a smirk. You then passed it onto Itachi, who was next to you.

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