Requested: Fake Plant

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"Four..months" Zetsu says to himself, sitting cross legged in front of the plant in your room.

Kakuzu and yourself are in the doorway watching him, feeling the strong tension in the atmosphere. He turns to you, "What are they talking about?"

You sigh, feeling a tad guilty even though you thought it was obvious. It's an honest mistake, but Zetsu really felt something about this. "Zetsu,'s not that big of a deal" you say, hoping to comfort him as you enter the room giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Four months, you stood by and watched me water a fake plant!?"

"Whoa, you watered a fake plant for THAT long?" Hidan says joining after hearing the whines of Zetsu. He placed his elbow on Kakuzu's shoulder which looked comical in your eyes, as Kakuzu was much taller. It didn't look comfortable at all. Kakuzu dropped his shoulder so it fell as he moved out of the doorway and towards the kitchen, "Just replace it with a real one, no harm done"

"NO HARM DONE!? What's my pride to you then?" He says ashamed of himself.

"Your pride isn't worth money, so Kakuzu won't give a crap about that" Hidan comments. Tobi slides into the doorway under Hidan's arm, "Is that why my head's been wet every morning?"

"Excuse me?" you question, turning to face him laughing at his question.

Tobi gets on his knees and pats the floor where one end of his sleeping fort is, "Yeah, Tobi thought he just drooled..alot"

You then patted the carpet, "Noooooooooooo" you say in a panic, Zetsu now more embarrassed than previously.

"I stand corrected, Kakuzu's gonna care now" Hidan chuckles.
"Why? What's happened." Kakuzu sounded defensive and was quick to return to the scene of the 'crime'. He looks over and sees the panic in your eyes as you try to pat the carpet with a pillow in fear, "4 months of damp!? You better start paying Zetsu! I'm not using MY money on this!"

"Or maybe, you assholes could be more communicating with me and tell me, it's a fake plant!!"

"You're half plant! Can't you like, speak to them or something!? You of all people would know!" Hidan starts cackling. Though as soon as Zetsu stands up and a lower growl erupted from his throat, more threateningly than Kakuzu has ever done towards Hidan, he ran as fast as he could. He's learnt not to mess with Zetsu, but that'll never stop him from teasing.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now