Requested: Itachi time

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Requested by: lyokophantomsims

So after a requested one shot of alone time with a soft Hidan, it's now time that all the other members!



He hummed in acknowledgement to you talking to him. "Is it just us today?"

When he heard that question he peered up from his book and looked around the room, "huh..."

He was so invested in this particular chapter that he didn't realise that the last few in the room left and even called out to say goodbye. He put the bookmark into his book and closed it, placing it on the side.

"I guess so, would you like to do anything today, ..together?" He was secretly hoping for this moment to arise at some point or another but he never thought it would happen when he didn't have an idea what to do just yet.

You hummed, unknowing what adventures to take part in today. Until a idea popped into your head. You smiled to yourself and headed into the kitchen. You snickered before calling Itachi to join you. As he turned through the doorway you pulled an apron over his head, closed eyes with a smile brightly in front of him, "Instead of buying Dangos..Let's make them!!!"

He allowed a soft smile pull across his face, nodding at the wonderful idea that is perfect for the two of you. He then grabbed the other apron, reenacting the same action you took upon him. You turned around for him to tie the back of your apron as you pulled your sleeves up. You clapped your hands together, "Right, Let's get to it! You grab the sugar etc and I'll grab the flour"

He nodded, heading to the cabinet and bringing out the ingredients requested. He then turned, lightly chuckling at you hopping to reach the highest point of the cabinet on the other side of the kitchen. You grunting and squeaked trying to reach to no avail. You began to hop on the counter, trying to place a knee on it to get higher up, you mumbled to yourself, "Why would I put things in places I can't even reach? Stupid [Y/N].."

"Here, let me help you" Itachi came to your side and went to reach up but you protested, stating that you had it. You were tapping it with a fingertip, bringing it closer and closer with a flick at a time. You gasped, "Uh oh"

You flinched, knowing what was about to happen and Itachi closed his eyes in time, knowing that you both weren't going to grab it in time. You turned to each other with shocked eyes. What surprised you further was the wholesome laugh that came out of the Uchiha's mouth. He was covering his mouth with a fist and couldn't help but laugh at the mess between the two of you. His hair was frosted with flour as well as his shoulders. Your face was caked and you had to use your two fingers per eye to wipe the residue away to see. His chortle was so catching that you two began laughing together at the mess. You shook his hair and patted his shoulders to remove what you could and he brought a kitchen towel to your face to wipe off what he could. "Well these aprons were of no use" he joked. You smiled nodding at that ridiculous truth.

You turned to the flour bag and were thankful to see some still in there, "Okay..we have enough to make for probably just us. So we better hurry and eat fast before the others come home" you giggled. He nodded in utter agreement and took the flour off you to get to work. He prepped and kneaded the dough, separating it into three sections. You began changing the colour of one as he did the other. You worked on green, he worked on pink.

"Have you ever made Dangos before?" you asked.

He shook his head, "You don't exactly get the opportunity in a hideout full of the Akatsuki".

"Have you ever wanted to?"

"Hn, I never thought about it. But this is quite fun. Though, perhaps it's because of the company". When saying that, he poked your forehead with his two fingertips, when he brought his hand back lightly, he sucked in his lips holding back another laugh. You raised an eyebrow then caught his genuine soft smile, he apologised. You brushed your fingers across your forehead and felt the wet sticky dough and made an 'O' with your mouth.

"Oh I see how it is" you taunted, you poked the dough and wiped the green mixture onto the tip of his nose. He pretended to act appalled at your action but the smile creeping onto his lips went against him. "You realise if this turns into a food fight, we won't have enough to make our dangos" he teased.

You gasped, "Oh my gosh you're right!" you began kneaded the dough aggressively, preparing to cook and skewer. He chuckled at your reaction and continued to create spheres with the dough.


Your Dangos were finally ready, presented beautifully on a plate alongside two teas. All was placed lovingly upon the kitchen table where you both sat in a bliss, comforting silence, enjoying your sweet treats. You watched fondly as Itachi enjoyed the sweetness of the Dango, his cheek puffed as he chewed. You sipped on your tea savouring the moment. Until it was interrupted with a snicker coming from behind you, you turned to face the culprit, "May you?" you said.

Kisame chuckled at the scene, the two of you were acting so elegantly having your afternoon tea time but the pair of you were a mess. Itachi's face was sticky with uncooked dough, his hair coated in flour which you didn't brush off for him very well. Your forehead still had the pink dango mixture on from before and your face wasn't exactly cleaned off, more like smeared on.

"No no...keep doing whatever it is you're..doing. Itachi, do you know you have a little....something?" Kisame just pointed to the entirety of his face. Itachi looked up very plainly, "Yes..yes I do"

Both you and Kisame burst into laughter at Itachi trying to act very professional at the moment, leaving him smiling behind his tea before sipping.

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