Requested: The dreaded visit

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Requested by: Do_not_question

I ended up writing this twice, half way through I forgot during my first book I wrote that [Y/N] doesn't have much of a relationship with her family so I had to change it around that in, I hope you enjoy! 



*Ding Dong*

The boys in the living room with you gave you a look. You noticed and puffed out your cheeks, "Oh come on, you live here too! You can open the door sometimes" you pouted.

Hidan, Deidara and Sasori still just stared at you with no response, it became a staring contest between them and you.

*Ding Dong*

"OKAY FINE!" you grumpily got off the sofa from watching your favourite show to open the front door, "This better be- - - MUM!?"

"Well Hello dear~ Well aren't you going to invite me in?" she cooed.

Oh...shit. The Akatsuki!

You swiftly stood outside with your mother, leaving the door a tad ajar behind you, "Erm..about that. I have some...friends over? Now isn't a good time"

She laughed, "Oh nonsense, I've met your friends before"


"..Boys?!" She became excited which made you sweat drop, "Mum!" you scolded.

She pushed past you and went into your home, taking her shoes off, "Finally, I can meet the man who will give me grandchildren!" She came to an abrupt stop to seeing Hidan standing in the doorway. Curiosity took over him and he went to see who it was. Your mother stared at him, unexpecting such a handsome male before him, "My..[Y/N] have good taste"

Hidan smirked at the compliment and looked back at you who had the reddish face he's ever seen, "MUM!!! That's not the case!"

She pouted at you and then started looking past Hidan, seeing Sasori and Deidara in the living room. "So which one of you is dating my daughter, mm?"

Sasori raised his hand, which made Deidara sputter, "Danna, no you're not! Hm"

He blankly spoke to his partner, "Well I had to pretend the other day, didn't I? Isn't this the same thing?"

You flush red, with fisted hands down at your sides, "No, Sasori. It is not the same thing"

Your mother ignored you and went up to Sasori, ushering him to stand. She dragged you by the hand to his side and examined you two. Sasori emotionlessly stood there not understanding the situation, Hidan laughing his head off in the background and Deidara growing as flustered as you.

" this won't do. He's not tall enough" She lost interest incredibly quickly. Sasori for the first time in his puppet life, looked shocked. He began to look down at his legs, questioning if he could make himself taller with what limited equipment he has with him here.

"Can we go talk somewhere else please?" You were finding this whole situation very awkward. Your mother never visits you. You've never had the best relationship which has resulted into the way things are now. You'll never get a text, call, letter or anything from her. She was only interested in getting grandchildren which you were nowhere near ready for. It made no sense to you though, if she wasn't your biggest fan, like she is with your elder siblings..then why does she want a mini you? Oh that's right, probably to control and change them into what she wants them to be, like how she tried with you. Which resulted, into this poor relationship and you moving as far away from your childhood home as possible. It helped your mental health for the better.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now