Requested: Can't we stay here forever?

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"Free coupon, sir?"

Kisame turns to to the voice talking to them, but you immediately snatch it up at the word 'Free' before he can even decide himself, "Oooo yes please, thank you" you say looking it over. Kisame leans down and has a look, "Free Spa Day?"

You gasp in excitement, "Kisa, this stuff is usually expensive! Shall we!?" He reads further seeing it is a 'couples massage' and looks at the little image of someone on the bed having a back massage. His frown turns to the side in thought, "Hmm, I'm not sure. The idea of a stranger behind me with my face down like that? Shinobi instants might kick in"

"Okay yeah, I don't want you to kill someone accidentally.."

"What about Itachi? I feel like the kid might need something like this"

"Awww, Kisa that's a great idea. He always looks so stressed but whenever I ask him if he's alright, he says he's fine" You say feeling sad for him. Kisame lightly chortles as you head back home from the town, "You don't even know half of it..."

After heading home and coaxing Itachi into the idea, you two are now standing in front of the building. "And it's free..?" He says, feeling confused why someone would give away something like that.
"Yeah! It's only just opened so I suppose this is a way for them to advertise. It's great because this usually would cost quite a bit! But a free back massage sounds great to me!" you were excited to unwind and relax in what feels like forever. "I'm a bit confused on the word...couple, though" he questions.

"Just because we're not in a relationship like that, doesn't mean it's not allowed. It just means two people" you reassure as he opens the door for you and you head to the reception. Once all checked in, you were lead into the room and told where to leave your belongings and that they will give you 5 minutes and knock before they re enter to start the session. That was when Itachi realised. The word couple, meant you were going to do this in the same room, next to each other. Meaning, you two had to get ready in the same room. You both stared at each other bright red in the face as soon as they stated to remove everything but the underwear.

"I didn't think this far ahead.." you mumbled out shyly.

"Why don't we turn our backs to each other?"

You point to the very large mirror in the room which was the length of the entire wall, "Ah.." he says feeling very awkward.

"I'll get changed first..then put my head into the hole to give you privacy?"

You shyly nod as you head into the corner of the room with your hands over your eyes and crouched down keeping your composure. He hastily and tidily puts his clothes in an orderly fashion on the side and hops under the blanket. Not long after you do the same, two people arrive in the room and get started. Itachi is dead silent through the whole thing, you found it a bit worrying when he didn't respond to the Massage Therapist about if the pressure was okay, then a comment about the knot they had worked out of their shoulder. You apologised as you halted your massage and looked up, realising he was out cold, fast asleep. He really, really needed this. You asked if it was okay for them to continue as he clearly has enjoyed it that much to feel comfortable enough to have this necessary sleep. Once the 30 minutes was over, you asked if you would be able to pay them to allow him to have another 20 minutes or so, which they contently obliged to.

However, Itachi abruptly woke up and flinched up right. "It's fine" you reassured him, thankfully you just finished putting your jacket on. You left him to get changed and waited outside as you paid them discreetly and quickly for giving him the few minutes for his much needed rest. He came out with very sleepy eyes and disguised his yawn. As you bid the people well, thanking them greatly for their service and stating you'll see them next month; you grabbed a hold of Itachi's hand as you lead the sleepy man to your car, "Can't we stay here forever?" he says in a disappointed tone.

"You really enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"I cannot thank you enough for inviting me"

"Thank Kisame"

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now