Requested: Marbles

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"Can't believe I'm stuck with the fucking marbles..."

"You yelled at us that it was your turn!" you beckoned laughing at his tantrum. "You should have thought ahead, we've all seen the show. Marbles next. Enjoy!" you walked into the living room laughing at Hidan sitting in the kitchen with a notepad and pen, flicking the pen between his fingers figuring out how to make this game less...dull.

His eyes light up and he starts writing down an idea, even drawing a little diagram. He was so focused he didn't hear Kakuzu come in. He leans over his shoulder and reads what he's creating.
"No. Absolutely not."
Kakuzu grabs the paper and screws it up, tossing it in the bin. Hidan leans with an arm over the back of the chair, "What the hell man, this is my game!"

"Changing the marbles for decapitated heads in a definite no. Do you want to get [Y/N] in trouble here?" he growls.

"Well no, but - - "

"A brat like you needs to be supervised with something so minor, it's ridiculous."

"Oh yeah? You think of a better idea then!" Hidan leant back on his chair and he watched Kakuzu sit down adjacent to him.
"The idea of this TV show was the use of childhood games. Mix it up a little"

Hidan starts writing down another idea as Kakuzu watches on, Hidan catches the expression on Kakuzu's face

"What?" He questions, "There are still marbles in the game. Now stop questioning my game and go buy some marbles for us!"


"Alright listen up! It's still marbles but we're gonna play differently than the boring game on TV" Hidan hands out 10 marbles per person, no bag. "Kakuzu is ref because I definitely want in on this. He's gonna blindfold you and lead you into the forest at a random location"

Kakuzu takes you first, blindfold you and takes you by the hand.

"You play however you want. A marble game, beat the shit out of someone, team up, who cares as long as you come back at this spot in 30 minutes with 20 marbles. Got it?

"What happens to the losers?" Sasori questions, only to be met by Hidan chuckling.


"Where are we going?" you question as you make sure you hand is firmly in Kakuzu's and don't lose him.

"Telling you isn't a part of the game" He stops and picks you up, taking you into a tree.

"I'm leaving you here, count down 120 seconds and then you may start. Don't move too much or you'll fall"


Kakuzu moved quickly and ended up getting some of his masks to move some members around the forest. Once the time limit was up they all took their blindfolds off and moved around stealthily looking for one another.

Hidan was itching for this. He made this game as an excuse to fight some people. He didn't care who it was at this point, the boy needed to let off some steam. If he can't please Jashin then what else can he do? Beat the living shit out of people.

He could see Tobi in the distance looking very lost. His lips curled maliciously, oh it was too good to be true he thought. He buried his marbles under the tree he was nearest to, to avoid any rattling before he sprints full speed for the man child. Tobi slowly turns at the sound of footsteps and yelps. Hidan swings his leg for a hard kick in the gut, only to go straight through Tobi's being and land face first into the ground. He runs away at a speed Hidan knows he would never catch up to and heads for his marbles and find his next victim.
"What the - - " He starts to dig around the next tree, thinking he's lost them.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now