Requested: Loveshot

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Requested by two readers that I've blended together: A continuation of the soft, alone time with each member and also a request of each member realising they like/fallen for you (See this as a parallel universe or something because we all know that [Y/N] loves our Tobi)



Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot

Laying on your belly, pillow upon your elbows, legs kicking back and forth. You were flicking through a comic book with your headphones on, mumbling the lyrics to the song being played. You were in your own little world, enjoying the time you have to yourself. A few minutes later and in front of your comic was two feet, you followed the body up and saw Sasori looking down at you. "Heyyyy Welcome home~" you pulled your headphones off and rolled onto your back looking up at him upside down.

"Where is everyone?" he asked.

"Hidan said he was bored, went exploring. Kisame went with him so he didn't do anything stupid. Itachi and Deidara are buying food. Tobi and Zetsu are...somewhere. I dunno where. Kakuzu is bounty hunting and just me, sitting here"



He dropped a bag and sat cross legged in front of you. "Your painting skills are quite...exceptional. I would like you to help me with this puppet of mine"

You jumped up right and sat opposite him with a big smile, "It would be my pleasure to work alongside an artistic masterpiece such as yourself" you exaggerated a bow with your arms out even though you were seated on the ground still. You looked up and noticed a ...real smile from him. Not the slight smirk with a faint curl of the lip that's hidden from others' views. But a smile that was begging to show teeth as well. You blushed, ignoring it though you reciprocated with a smile back.

You were dedicated to the painting of his puppet as he worked on its legs. You were humming along to the song playing in your headphones. Sasori cleared his throat in hopes to double check that you cannot hear him. When you made no response, he spoke. Why he didn't want to say this with you listening, no idea but he still felt the urge to say it aloud, "I would usually prefer to eternalise the most beautiful things I find, turning them into puppets. But you are not deserving of this fate, you deserve to flourish for all to see what you really..truly are. Your beauty, intelligence, heart and soul will live on eternally in the Akatsuki. You're a spectacular marvel of art in your own, wonderous way".

You were still mumbling the song out loud, unaware of this unusual but awesome compliment that the most emotionless man of the group just gave you.


"What is that that you are humming?"

Sasori's eyes shot to the owner of that voice in an instant, realising he was caught. He wasn't even aware that he was humming at all, he was so fixated in his own little world for a moment. Letting his guard down. He couldn't even hide it.

"Nothing. When did you get back?" he snapped quickly, returning to preparing you a drink.

"Don't change the subject, it sounds familiar. Where have we heard it before?"

"Shut up, Zetsu. Forget it ever happened"

"But we've never heard you make any sound apart from artistic grumbles and aggravation"

"What's all the commotion mmmmmm?" Tobi skipped into the kitchen with you over his shoulder. Sasori and Zetsu turned, looking at him peculiarly. "Do I ask..?" Sasori scoffs out.

"We were play fighting and Tobi obviously won" he shrugged, making you bounce. He spun round and let you get off his shoulder, "What's going on?" you asked.

Zetsu pointed at Sasori, "He was humming, it sounded like this" Zetsu renacted the tune. Your eyes widened in excitement and a grin pulled at your cheeks. Sasori glared at you with squinting eyes, "No" he said. But you were nodding, he kept scolding, "[Y/N], No"


OH OOH OOHHH OHHH ITS THE LOVESHOT" you started singing very loudly.

Tobi looked at you and flailed his arms, "Tobi knows this one!!"

You both started singing terribly and off tune, acting out the choreography to the chorus which was Kai's glorious body ripple movement. (For any of you who don't know. See EXO - Loveshot music video at 0.47seconds. I was listening to it at the time -.-')

Sasori started to get a little flustered, "Stop it both of you"

Neither of you heard though, you continued to dance and sing the song. Zetsu's dark side snickered but Sasori got right up to his face and growled, "Tell anyone and you're my new puppet. Do you understand?"

Zetsu took a step back, blending into the wall, "It's not us you need to persuade to keep quiet"

Sasori's gaze narrowed instantly at Tobi and he growled, this caught Tobi's attention and he ran straight out of the house in utter fear, still singing, of course. You smiled sweetly at him, hoping he won't get angry at you. He just squinted at you, not needing to say a word. You put a finger up and said, "I won't say a word on one condition"

He sighed, rolling his eyes, waiting for the condition. You held your arms out, "A hug that is longer than 5 seconds"

He thought about it for a moment, looking up making sure Zetsu and Tobi were no longer there. He went in and hugged you, to your surprise it actually had effort behind it. It was very comforting actually, his arms encased you and the gentle but tight squeeze made you smile. Him as well, he actually was embracing the moment unlike any other time he has had physical contact with you. Suddenly he ripped away from you quickly, you pouted looking at him annoyed but then saw where his gaze went to and heard the rippling laughter, "Hey Sasodick, get a room" Hidan taunted. Deidara was aside him, getting a little flustered in the face with jealousy.

"Do you want me to turn you into a puppet?!" Sasori beckoned, Hidan snickered and put his arms out, "Come on, gimme a hug like that, just a quick one? You know you wanna" Sasori's fingers glowed as chakra strings entangled him, squishing him till he turned blue.

Deidara came to your side and heard you grumble, "That was 3 seconds, You owe me.."

"Owe you for what..?Hm"

Sasori slapped a hand over your mouth and directed you into the other room, "Nothing - Deidara, deal with that nuisance" he ordered as Hidan dropped to the ground gasping for air.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now