Requested: Makeup

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Hidan had fallen asleep with his back against the sofa watching whatever it was that Kisame had put on. Upon noticing this, you smiled mischievously and scurried out, returning with a bag.
"Whatcha do - -"
You slap a hand over Tobi's mouth, holding your index finger to your lips hoping not to laugh and blow your cover.
Hidan was a deep sleeper and as soon as he lets out his faint snore, that's your queue to mess with him.
With an unzip of your bag, brush and foundation in hand.. you begin your masterpiece.

*30 minutes later*

You stand up, giving yourself a stretch as you admired your work on the still sleeping Hidan. It was hard not to snort out a laughter. The boys were curious and stayed as quiet as possible for you. You looked up and mimed out with animated arm movements, "When he wakes up, none of you make a comment and see how long until he realises or I will kill you" Finishing your mime with a finger fake slitting your throat. Kisame and Tobi snicker faintly as they shift to have a look at your amazing work. You did everything from foundation, to blush, lipstick and you even had time to contour.

Zetsu returned from his venture outside and Tobi whispered to him what you've done. He walked around to have a look, quietly left the room to head to the garden and you all could hear Black Zetsu manically laugh in the distance, letting it out 'discreetly'.

Coicidentally, Hidan awakes with a large yawn. All eyes look to him, as soon as he looks up everyone looks immediately away and finds something to do. It's roughly 30 minutes into Hidan looking beautiful and not realising himself. Until suddenly, the door opens to Itachi, Sasori and Kakuzu returning home. Itachi just...can't help but stare...a lot, which sends Kisame following Zetsu to let out with fits of laughter.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Hidan gets tense from Itachi's gaze. Kakuzu overhears and peaks round the corner and immediately looks at you. Your miming a slit throat at him whilst trying your best not to laugh, which just sets him off. He leaves immediately to have you following him, slapping his back to shut him up as your doing your best to hold back yourself.

"He's looking at whatever the hell is on your face. Have you decided to take a crack at womanhood? I must say you....oddly suit it" Sasori says with a blank expression.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Hidan wipes his cheek and sees something marked on his fingers, he squints suspiciously then heads into the bathroom.

"[Y/N]!!!!!" Everyone who is busy calming down in the garden hears the uproar of Hidan's voice bellow your name. You immediately try your best to hide by crawling under Zetsu's cloak. The door busts open with Hidan smearing his lipstick over his forearm to get it off, the rest are still in fits of laughter causing Hidan to flush red in the face with embarrassment. He searches for you to only notice Zetsu looks larger inside. Stomping over he unzips the cloak to see you hiding. He begins to attempt to drag you away only to have you hooks your arms and legs around Zetsu and Hidan tugging you until you let go, "What the fuck is on my face [Y/N]?! There's no way the others could do this"

He begins to tickle you to loose your grip on Zetsu and drags you over his shoulder to the living room. He pins you down and starts scribbling makeup all over your face and arms as payback. You can't stop him as your choking in laughter at it all. Mascara ends up on your lips, lipstick dicks painted on your arms, blush on your forehead; it was a massacre.

The others eventually check to see that he hasn't actually murdered you, "Wow Hidan, you really suck at this" Kisame chortles.
"Isn't this meant to be used here?" Tobi comes in smearing lipstick on your lips poorly. Deidara pipes in, "Yeah, at least get her eyeliner right. Like mine, hm" You grab for the eyeliner and immediately look at Hidan, who pins Deidara down helping you, "Like this?" you smirk, adding to his eyeliner, giving him luxurious wings, finalising with some mascara. "Eh, whatever. I'll look 10x better than Hidan, hm" he contently took it. After all we all know Deidara looks good in makeup.

"I'm not gonna lie, but we all know who would look AMAZING"

Hidan and Deidara look at you waiting for a response, "Itachi"

The two jump up and rush to attack Itachi, "What are you - - " Itachi is being carried away by Hidan and to the sofa where you're now seated. He sighs in defeat and just accepts the punishment he didn't necessarily deserve. He knew it was temporary and could be wiped off so it wasn't the end of the world.

"LINE UP FUCK FACES!" Hidan shouts to which the others head back into the garden and lock themselves away from him.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat