Requested: We're a good team, you know

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"[Y/N]!" He calls out. Instinctively you bounce back to his side, slightly behind. His hand draws up horizontally, facing forward. "Almighty push"

The invisible force pushes forward as you run after it. The power blasts into the target, pulling them off their feet. You give them no time to recover and jump onto the target, driving your sword into their chest. A puff of smoke dissipates leaving you by yourself, unsheathing your sword from the ground. You stand and Pain comes closer, "Impressive. Leaving no time for the enemy to think"

"Thank you Leader" you smile, really proud of your thought process.

He brings two fingers towards you and you look down at them with a cock of your head to the side. He smiles shortly, "It's called the unison sign. A symbol of friendship and honour."

You look down at his hand and back up to him, your eyes were innocent and sweet. You mumble out a small, "Friendship..?" in awe that it is coming from him, of all the Akatsuki. The Nagato behind Pain couldn't help but smile at your sweetness, 'so cute' he thinks but refuses to say aloud.

Your heart swells with pride whilst you take his fingers into your own. You can't help but grin widely at him, he recuperates with a smaller, more tame smile. "We're a good team, you know" he praises.

"Am I witnessing my replacement here?" Konan walks into the training grounds with a coy smile.

"Never!" you say defensively as she chuckles at your reaction.

"You cannot deny that [Y/N] has an ability to work with any one of the Akatsuki effortlessly." Pain counters.

"Not at all, they are a valuable asset to this organisation" Konan says with sincerity in her voice.

You start to giggle to yourself, loving the compliments you're gaining from two very strong members. "Do you think I could train with you more often, Leader-sama?" The Amegakure duo both look at you then one another. Konan teases, "So you're actually planning on stealing my partner?"

"I promise I'm not, Konan." you chuckle at her reaction. "Pain - -I mean, Leader-sama really challenges me when we train together. I can be stronger in no time if I keep working with him"

He smiles, feeling pride and respect from your words, "If that's what you want, then I gladly accept."

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now