Requested: Playing with his hair

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Kisame has never been one to be on the receiving end of affection. So when you asking him if you could play with his hair, he was a little bit confused. Why would you? - ..Hair? What's so good about that? He thought. But your puppy eyes and look of innocent caught him off guard as usual. He always struggles to say no to you. You tapped the floor in front of the sofa that you were seated on. If he sat on the sofa then there was no way you could reach up to him. The whole time he was trying to focus on the TV in front of him or the conversation between Tobi and Sasori in the room. But every touch made him stiffen in uncertainty. The only touch he has been used to is from fighting. He knew you obviously weren't going to attack him, hell..even if you tried he could easily flipped you and pin you on the ground with little energy usage. Your touch was so feather light to him. The problem was, you were so engrossed with the thriller on the TV that you were frozen on the edge of your seat. You asked to play with his hair for a form of comfort. It was when something made you jump, your nails massaged his scalp and his shoulders dropped immediately. You noticed instantly, eyes dropping down to him and seeing how he reacted. So you did it again. His head was slowly dropping as the feeling comforted him. You were so fixated in the movie once again that you didn't realise what you were doing until you were weirdly hunched forward on the sofa, practically falling off. "K-Kisa?"
The boy practically melted like butter onto the ground and all you could hear was a grumble into the carpet, "Don't stop please."
You were so proud of yourself. You have found the tailless beast's weakness.


Deidara was used to this. Everyone would ask to play with his hair. Honestly, some people did it without even asking. It would annoy him. Only two people would be allowed. Kurotsuchi when they were kids; and you. You've brushed his hair, dried it, straightened it, plaited it, put in his high pony tail many, many times. So it never phased him. But if you ever curled or plaited his hair, he would have to do yours too. He can't look like this alone. Problem is, your touch was intoxicating to him that he was guarantee always fall asleep. Not straight away though, you would persist that it was your turn and he would 'cruelly' return the favour until you were half asleep as well. The pair of you would end up cuddling asleep until Tobi ruined the amazing nap by drawing on your faces, pranking you in some way or braiding both your hair together.


He would watch you playing with the others' hair and become mildly jealous. Well..I say mildly but..inside it's more than that. Depending who it was and if he felt brave enough to ruin the moment, he would steal you to play with his hair. "Noooo, [Y/N]-chan. Like you did with Deidara senpai"
"But I can't with your mask on, there's so much fabric at the back covering your hair"
So he dragged you away for privacy. He would ask you to turn around as he takes his mask off, then hold it over his face so that the back of his head was exposed. Once you were allowed to turn back round and play with his hair, the room was immediately filled with his giggles of content, mixed with feeling like it tickled him. Tobi (Obito) was deprived some affection for a very very long time. He would take any opportunity to hug you and catch up on what he has missed and this feeling to him was everything. Once you found his preference he weirdly became silent after 10 minutes of so. You called out gently to him, realising he fell asleep with his hands pressed into his face with the mask in between. Keeping his privacy, you gently and carefully pulled him back and placed a blanket over him all the while making sure his face was still covered. This was the best sleep he could possibly ever have and without a doubt, not the last time he will ask this to happen again.


Kakuzu was quite similar to Kisame except he prefers a lighter touch, the rough touches remind him of fights and aggression which is the last this man needs. Whenever you could see him practically blowing steam out of his ears or close to ripping Hidan apart, you would come along and play with his hair. "Kuzu~ Can you help me with something?" He would freeze at your gentle touch almost dumbfounded with emotion. A second ago he was ready to kill and now he doesn't know what's going on. His body is saying 'just relax' but his mind is set of murdering Hidan. His shoulders are bouncing in tense confusion until he grumbles out a little "...fine"
Hidan silently thanks you as he backs away. Kakuzu is expecting now to help you with something when in fact, there was nothing. So you instantly found a necklace and tied some knots in it asking him to loosen in. You slowly play with his hair as he does this visibly you can see him relaxing at the touch. But as soon as anyone walks in the room, he's on high alert once again. After a month of so of this you would give the boys a look as if to say don't come in, he'll be calmed down in a minute. So they'll eventually U turn at any moment they see your hands on his head. You were his lifesaver otherwise he would of had multiple heart attacks from the stress of being surrounded by these 'idiots' as he calls them.


Sasori was such a disappointment to you. You played with his hair for about an hour, only for him to realise much later and look at you confused, "What are you doing?"
"You realise I can't feel that, right?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm a puppet"
"GOD DAMNIT I always forget!"
It's not his fault you felt this was a disappointment, you just wanted to make him putty in your hands. Foolish of you to think you could do that to this guy. He took the longest to open up to you so what made you think this would happen. He lost his literal nervous system. Of course he can't feel this. The movement of his hair is the same as the wind blowing through his strands.
"What is the purpose of playing with one's hair?"
You shrug your shoulders, "I dunno, just wanted you to feel good"
He hummed and thought about it, he looks up stoically, "Just your company is enough. Want to help me with this puppet?"


"What are you doing?"
"Don't question it"
"But I don't understand. We don't get touched like this, and it's not like a hug either"
"Don't be an idiot she might stop"
"Am I not allowed to be curious?"
"You fool! She's slowing down. I deserve this!"
Black Zetsu only knows a mother's love and it has been so long since he has seen her. White Zetsu was built and essentially grew up with Madara and Obito, some of the lesser people to have likely of given him affection. The poor thing was confused but enjoyed it, almost unsure if that was what they should be feeling. They felt Protected. As when they explained that to you, questioning if this was the right way to feel.. All you could do was continue the stroking of his hair trying to hold back this heartwarming sensation that was making you want to produce tears. Zetsu was so adorable to you, something indeed special that you would always hold dear to you. And now that you know this sensation of having his hair stroked by you makes him feel safe and content, you will never deny him of this if he ever sits near you again. Which in fact, he now fights Tobi over.


Itachi...oh poor Itachi. He had some ..unwanted memories brought up by the touch. It reminded him of the first time his mother put his hair in a ponytail for him, Shisui playing with the ponytail on their first mission together, his brother, everyone he has lost. It sent him in a strance. Upon questioning if he was okay he just turned to you and held you in such a tight embrace. You wanted, nearly needed to ask him to loosen up for some air but something told you he needed this. The evening you spent ages talking about one another, insecurities, vulnerabilities etc Basically opening up to one another. In the end, hugs became more of a thing. Instead of bringing up accidental memories with playing with his hair, you had your own special thing with him and none of the others. You would stroke the back of his hands, draw shapes and circles on his knuckles, up to his forearms as your head rested on his shoulder for support. He appreciated everything you would do for him. In fact, you don't even realise how much you help him and hell, you make it a lot easier for him. He will always appreciate you for this.


Refer to the chapter "Requested: Deprived"
In front of others, he'll act like he doesn't want it. Doesn't wanna be touched but he will give you a little look that you find all too adorable. It's like a kid going 'Muuuummm, don't embarrass me in front of my friends'. You will bit your lip so hard not to laugh at his cute little pout that he thinks is vicious but he simply cannot be so cruel to you, especially when he really wants it. But as soon as you leave the room to say for example go to the kitchen, he will follow with any lame excuse. But come on, everyone in the house KNOWS he's chasing after you to play with his hair when no one is around. How do they know? Because he will collapse on top of you, highly likely to fall asleep on top of you ..90% of the time. Tobi once walked into your room, to grab something of his an noticed you were tuck with a fast asleep Hidan on top of you. You were whispering, "Oh thank god, can you pass me my phone? I'm so bored and can't reach it"
"[Y/N]-chan, you could just wake him up - -"
"No!" you whisper shout, "I think he needed this" you say STILL playing with his hair. It's weird, fast asleep or not..this man KNOWS when you stop and he isn't happy when you do. "But don't say anything. He doesn't want anyone to know, i think he gets embarrassed. You understand right?"
Tobi nods but come on, He's GOING to tell the others.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now