Mystery stranger

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What more could you ask for now? That feeling of sheer comfort, security and happiness surrounded your being. The warmth of the most softest cuddle ever, well..aside from the bottom of his mask digging into the top of your head but you didn't care, everything was perfection.

Tobi had sat on the floor in front of the sofa with his back against it. You walked in on him watching an anime that you're currently half way through. Your eyes glistened as you had realised you caught him midway through the 2nd episode. He saw you, tilting his head to the side. You could only assume he was smiling closed eye behind that orange mask. Upon this notion, you scurried into your bedroom, then the kitchen, returning with all the goods required. 2 teaspoons, a tub of ice cream and a fluffy blanket. Tobi saw this and flailed his hands around in excitement, stating that you know him all too well. You went to sit beside him but without taking his eyes off the scene happening on Attack on Titan, he brought you between his legs and directed you to lean back on him with the instruction of his hands upon your shoulders. He swiftly grabbed the blanket and tucked you in as well as his legs, your hands were tucked into the blanket as well, making it impossible for you to grab the ice cream, "H-Hey- - " you began to protest.

You were about to jokingly scold him for depriving you of Ice cream, however he threw a spoon away and fed you a piece of ice cream whilst watching the show.

Deidara and Sasori walked in, Deidara yawned rubbing his only visible eye, "Can it you two. We wanna sleep, hm"

You tried to wave from the blanket but it was pretty difficult, without taking your eyes off the screen you replied, "Go sleep in my room tonight. We're gonna watch this here"

"YAY! SLEEPOVER!" Tobi proclaimed, swiping a bit of ice-cream swiftly under his mask.

Deidara almost wanted to argue, but the sleep in his eyes took over. He was too tired for this right now. The thought of a mattress surpassed the idea of his rolled up futon and so he instantly made a U-turn for your room.

Hidan walked into the room, seeing the glow of the screen and hearing the sounds of screams, "What the hell are you watch- - oooo" He stood and watched the scene where titans attacked the civilians. He instantly went to sit on the arm of the sofa but you sternly spoke, "If you're joining, bring snacks". He growled, not wanting to part from the show but quickly did, grabbing whatever his hands could hold and tossed them upon your lap before stretching out on the sofa behind you and Tobi, laying back and watching the massacre, "Damn I didn't know you liked this fucked up shit"

You shrugged, "It's not my fault every episode ends with a cliffhanger..and I can't start an anime without finishing it!"


That night you stayed up until the sun began to rise, you blitzed two seasons. Hidan gave up after the first season, practically falling asleep on the sofa and retired past midnight, however; Tobi and yourself fell asleep in front of the TV. You fell first, once Tobi realised he didn't want to move you as you seemed so comfortable resting against him. So he stayed there until sleep took over himself.

"Wake up you two"

You stirred, groaning as a form of 'go away, I'm comfy' and shifted your position a bit more.

"Wake up" Zetsu's dark side spoke closely and loudly into both of your ears, startling you two in an instant.

"What's with the wakeup call. I was having the best dream" you said rubbing your eyes.

"Don't you have work today?"

"What day is it?" you said a little startled, "Saturday"

You deadpanned looking at Zetsu with a small irk forming on your forehead, "No it's the damn weekend!" you crossed your arms pouting but instantly pulled back looking at your top. You tugged at it, "What the- - "

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now