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You didn't miss him. Okay, maybe that was a lie. Something in the back of your mind always made you think back to the 'what if?' You were in love at one point. You were happy with him, but something happened. He stopped loving you how you wanted..needed to be loved. You had to keep telling yourself that he ruined that, he didn't deserve a 4th chance. He didn't even deserve the 3rd chance to be honest.. He hurt you, All. The. Damn. Time. And everytime he did, it just seemed like he never understood how your feelings were affected. How it changed you, made you feel so alone, even if he was right there in the vicinity.

Okay so, maybe it's not him you miss. Maybe it's what you could have had. He promised to love you unconditionally, to stay loyal, marry you, have beautiful children together and live a happy life. But all of that was a lie. By the end of it, you couldn't believe a word that came out of his mouth. The heartbreak and pain was too much for you. You handled it for longer than you should have.
Fortunately for you, the Akatsuki came into your life not long after the breakup. It helped distract you from the pain and the heartache. You were able to move on healthily. Because of that, you felt no need to bring up your past relationships. Let alone the way Hidan and Deidara had acted in the past, just from you going on a date.

Zetsu and yourself were planting a new tree in the garden, you can thank Sasori for that. Normally he would head into the forest for new supplies in creating puppets but his excuse was that 'it was raining yesterday' and he didn't want to search for the prime cut of wood he was looking for, when it was staring right at him every morning he looked out the window, sipping on his green tea. Tobi was mucking around in the garden, saying he was helping..but we know that's not the case.

The doorbell rings.

10 seconds go by before Hidan yells a long winded, "[YYYYYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNN]"
"Idiot, she can't hear you. She's outside" Kakuzu grunts.

"I'll get it" Itachi says before finishing his page, placing the mark in his book. An impatient thump on the door banged twice. The third being interrupted by Itachi opening the door.

"Who the hell are you?"

Itachi just blinks not expecting a rude welcoming. "Usually one is greeted with a hello or explaining their purpose of banging on someone's door.."

"I asked you who the fuck you are"

"YEAH?! Who the fuck's asking?!" Hidan says poking his head out into the hallway getting agitated, loving the chance to cause a fight.

The man at the door looks wide eyed seeing another person in front of him. "[Y/N]'s boyfriend" It was clear to Itachi that this person's chest puffed out and his back straightened, as if trying to deem himself more confident than his eyes perceived.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Deidara's turn to chime in.

"He's lying" Itachi says calmly.

"Well yeah no shit, [Y/N]'s never brought him up before." He begins to look the guy up and down, "She has better taste too"

"Let me talk to her" he says, becoming more annoyed.
Itachi turned to Deidara behind him, it was a way to say 'can I get past' so he would get [Y/N] himself but Deidara ran off in an instant to find you.


The back door opens, "Hey, [Y/N] some prick is at the"

You and Tobi are currently hugging the tree as Zetsu decorates the dirt around it in order to keep it where it should be before he helps it bloom and grow.
"Prick? Who is it?"

"He says he's your boyfriend"

Tobi and Zetsu immediately look towards you after hearing this. The blood fell out from your face, causing a ghost like sheen to coat your features.
"..[Y/N]-chan?" Tobi says a little concerned. You let go of the tree, Tobi wavering as Zetsu grabs it so it doesn't fall and you speed towards Deidara and the door. You immediately grip onto the bottom of Deidara's t-shirt as you grow increasingly anxious, "I don't..he's not.."

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now