Sasori the protector

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Sasori, Deidara and yourself were walking through the streets in search for some particular tools Sasori needed for his puppets.

"You didn't need to come with us, Deidara"

"I needed to get away from Tobi and Hidan just as much as you did, Hm"

"What's wrong with Hidan, I thought you two were friends?" you asked.

"Wouldn't exactly say friends but he's more tolerable than some. Not so much when he's getting turned on by pain though" Deidara shuddered.

Sasori stopped to look through a shop window, you noticed and decided to take them into the building. Deidara gasped when seeing all the pottery and clay art on one side of the shop and left you two to it. Sasori went in the complete opposite direction in hopes to find anything that isn't a form of Deidara's art. This is when he found everything he wanted down a particular aisle and took his time looking. You decided to scan around the shop yourself, finding anything of interest to you. You came across some nerdy figures which you've always adored, looking at the detail in them, particularly in the one's that were from your favourite TV shows and video games. You practically pressed your face against the glass display to get a closer look. Your eyes glistened like a child in a sweet shop.

A man brushed by you, you turned and apologised even though it wasn't your fault. "Oh I'm sorry" you said.
The man turned to respond but paused when he saw your face, "Oh no It's my fault, I shouldn't have been standing so close to such a beautiful girl".

You instantly blushed at the compliment, you aren't used to the compliments you sometimes receive. It's not that you don't 100% believe them, it's more like, how do you respond to them? If you say thanks, does that make you vain as if you're agreeing? If you deny it then you are potentially in for them to defend their compliment and give you a few more, making you feel all the more awkward.

The man noticed your blush and smirked, taking it as an opening to continue. He lent closer to you which you unnoticeably took a step backwards, practically leaning against the glass display. He raised his arm and leaned it on the side of your head, getting closer as he continuously flirted with you. You just stood there stuttering and mumbling. You want to say no thank you but you've never been able to say the word no without feeling guilt or being rude.

What you didn't know was Sasori saw the whole thing. He could read the emotion on your face instantly. For a puppet, this man was actually quite understanding towards negative emotions. He came forward and slipped himself into the small gap between you and this man, staring up at him blankly. "Move" was all that Sasori said.

The man was taken back by the action but started to chuckle, "Move along brat, I'm getting myself a date right now"

Sasori instantly put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You flushed beet red, never expecting Sasori to take this action, ever.

"Back away from my girlfriend"
Your mouth dropped at this point, the man pouted and mocked Sasori, stating that he was not good enough for you. Sasori, with a bored expression, planted a quick, yet soft kiss on your cheek before leaning in to whisper something to the gentlemen in front. His eyes widened as he quickly dashed out the door.

"Sasori danna!? Girlfriend?!" Deidara saw the commotion when he headed back to you two.

"It was that or I used my chakra strings to strangle him. I don't think [Y/N] would appreciate me doing the latter"

Sasori turned to you, "Are you alright?"

You were still so red and your body was stiff. Sasori took note and removed his hand from your waist. "Thanks, Sass but what did you say to him?"

"That if he ever stands close or let alone looks at you again that I would cut his privates off and force them down his own throat"

You and Deidara looked at one another then back at Sasori, slowly backing up, "Whoa..that's rough, Hm"

Sasori shrugged, "Got him to leave though, didn't it? Come on, let's pay and go home. I don't like to be kept waiting".

Your cheeks stayed flush for so long, constantly feeling your cheek where Sasori kissed you, of course it was his way of making it clear that you were 'unavailable' to this man but it really threw you off course. After all, Sasori has been the type to keep to himself and freezes upon any physical contact. He's not the type to receive or even give a hug but to grab you by the waist, holding you close and to kiss your cheek..was on a whole new level. Sasori kept to walking ahead, probably shying away after his act, pretending that it never happened. Deidara couldn't handle it anymore and had to ask Sasori, "Danna, why did you kiss her cheek? That's so unlike you, Hm"

"I'm not saying I've never thought about it".

Sasori's words brought this facial expression to Deidara's face:

Sasori turned, stoically and expressionless towards Deidara, "Bring this up to the group and it'll be your privates stuffed into your own mouth"

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Sasori turned, stoically and expressionless towards Deidara, "Bring this up to the group and it'll be your privates stuffed into your own mouth".

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