Requested: Afterlife

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It was requested that the Akatsuki receive something positive in the afterlife. Something wholesome like how Obito and you were finally happy together. Here is the first part. Enjoy!



"Miss me?"

Itachi recognised that voice. It's been years since he last heard it, that didn't matter though. He would always remember that voice. He turned to the culprit, surprised he quietly said, "..Shisui?"

"The one and only" his smile covered the entire bottom half of his face. Itachi was left stunned, it felt like minutes that he was just staring at his old friend who committed suicide in front of his very eyes when he was still a kid. Shisui couldn't help himself and pulled Itachi into a hug, tightly embracing him, eyes closed as if he was waiting for this moment for a lifetime.

Before Itachi could even bring him arms up to hug him back, he was pulled back at arms length. Shisui checked him over, "Well, you grew up to be a pretty handsome guy huh, liking the hair" he said playing with the ponytail. He turned serious for a moment and looked at his friend with concern, "How is the village?"

Itachi sighed, "We have a lot to catch up on, Shisui"

"Not before I get to see my eldest"

Shisui chuckled at Itachi's wide eyes, "Boy you really are popular"

Itachi spun to the voice behind him and Shisui, "Mother..Father.."

His mother ran and held him tightly, holding the back of his head, "My Itachi.." she said so happily. Itachi looked to his his stern father, arms crossed looking at the two, once eyes were met, his father showed him a proud smile, "Itachi, my son. Did you keep your promise?"

"Yes, Sasuke is safe. Father, I - - "

His father held his hand up, signalling for Itachi's silence and his mother moved back to her husband's side, "We are proud of you, Itachi. It doesn't matter the route you had to take to get to this path. You kept your brother safe and the village is coming to a peace now, Well done, my son".

Itachi could sense everyone else nearby; the Akatsuki, yourself and everyone else they had rekindled with. His mind was telling him to keep his emotions in check but his heart was bursting at its seams. His eyes watered and yet the tears kept within his eyes with all his might.

"All this time..I thought you would be disappointed in me" he muttered.

Shisui piped in with a thumb pressed against his chest, he winked, "I let them in on our plans and reasons behind it all, don't worry buddy"

"Itachi, you are brave and such a kind soul. We are so very proud of you. Don't let the past eat away at you anymore. You..We, are at peace now"

Itachi squinted his eyes to hold the emotion back and Shisui could see that the part of him he had to be around the Akatsuki is more him than what he used to know as his best friend. He looked sad for him, to deaden himself like this. He tried to changed the subject. Shisui pulled his arm around Itachi's shoulders, "So you must have missed your ol buddy Shisui, huh? Bet you couldn't find a friend like me around to keep you company" he chuckled jokingly.

Itachi looked at him with a very faint smirk, he rubbed his eyes quickly and pulled Shisui's arm off his shoulders, "Wait here" he said looking at all 3.

The trio were confused as they saw Itachi rush off. It wasn't long until he had someone else by the hand and was rushing back. They looked at him confused, asking what he was doing but he didn't answer until the pair stood in front of the the others, "Mother, Father, Shisui..I'd like to you to meet my good friend, Kisame Hoshigaki"

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now