Requested: Afterlife Part 2

431 22 7

Sasori / Deidara


You ran towards him, hugging him so tightly. You were surprised at first, expecting to be hit hard with his hard, wooden body. You pulled back and felt his face, pinching his cheeks softly so you didn't hurt him, "You're..human! Wow, Sasori you ...look good!"

He smirked and then looked at his hands, "I have to admit, it is..different"

"I'm sorry if this is personal but I really have to ask. But, why did you turn yourself into a puppet?"

He sighed, "Well, I suppose now that we've all past, there's no need to hold secrets back."

Upon hearing this Deidara couldn't help but become curious with this new side of Sasori. From the usually, stoic, silent and keep to himself Sasori to the Sasori that now shows expression, emotion and has some pink to his cheeks. He joined in the conversation after seeing Sasori shrug and not being phased with his appearance.

He started to trace his fingers across the back of his hand, feeling the knuckles down to the tendons, " How do I explain it...Well I suppose I became a puppet for one, art; Of course. But mainly, because I didn't want to feel...pain, anymore"

You looked at him sadly, "..Physically?"

He looked up, looking at you right in the eyes, "Emotionally".

Your heart sunk at the look on his face, he was recalling his past. Something he chose to hide for many, many years which turned him into the cold, hard structured man they all knew.

"Oh Sasori.." you said quietly. Even Deidara had to look down at the ground, hiding his emotion for how bad he felt.

He held his hand up, "I don't need the sympathy. I'm over it now, I was just a brat after all. It's hard to deal with being lied to by your last living family member. They believed they were helping me in the long run but-" He chuckled, playing with his hair, "Now look where that got me, huh? I killed the 3rd Kazekage, killed thousands, become a member of the Akatsuki; Sasori of the red sand..I certainly made a name for myself"

A hand was placed gently on Sasori's shoulder, he looked up and saw the looks on both yours and Deidara's faces ahead of him. He flinched realising it was neither of you two. A voice spoke up, "I so..sorry Sasori. I am the cause of this"

The pained, old voice looked down at Sasori who instantly jumped up, "G-Granny..Chiyo. Why're you here?"

"Sasori, I had to come to at least apologise to you. For everything. Your childhood, your death, your- - " A moment of surprise hit you all, for Sasori embraced Granny Chiyo tightly, he whispered, "I forgive you"

Deidara and you were tugging at one another's cloaks at what was happening before you two, "What is going oooonnnnnnn!?" Deidara whisper yelled in your ear.

"Deidara...are those.?" you pointed and Sasori could only slightly catch your broken sentence, he followed where your finger pointed.


"Our boy" his mother cooed with such a loving smile towards her son. The two wrapped him into a long and tight embrace. Emotions filled Sasori, his stoic expression could no longer hold it and you instantly dragged Deidara away to give Sasori and his family some privacy.

Deidara is watching Sasori talk to his parents from afar, feeling down that he never knew his own. You talk to him along side Obito, the only people he knows are the ones alive still from his own village, he believes they wouldn't want to know him after they last met in his reanimated form anyway.

"You okay, Dei?" you said comforting him with a hand on his back. He just 'Hm' with a faint nod, watching Sasori get everything he secretly always wanted once again.

"You're not alone, Dei"

He looked at you, scanning your face as he tried to hold back the shock at how you read his mind. He turned away, watching Sasori once more, "It's different. I never really knew my parents, Hm. Besides, you have that lying, shit eating Uchiha. What have I got.."

You frowned at his words but you can understand why he's upset with Obito. Obito heard and came into conversation, "I'm sorry, Deidara. I had to lie to everyone about who I was. Including [Y/N]. Pain didn't even know who I was. You don't realise how many times I wanted to take my mask off and tell you everything."

"Tch, why me?"

"Because you were my partner. Tobi did -- No .. I do see you as a friend"

"All you did was ruin missions and annoy the hell out of me! Hm"

You snickered, you couldn't help it and Deidara was growing angry at your action when he was getting pretty genuinely upset. It's something he didn't expect from you. "I'm sorry but hear me out, Deidara. Tobi would ruin missions with me. And do you know why?"

"Because he was a pain in the ass!" he yelled, sending evil glares at Obito.

"There are two possible reasons. Tobi either wanted to ruin the mission in order to spend more time with us, attempting to make it fun along the way. Or, it was to veer you away from a potential danger."

Deidara didn't respond but he looked at you intently.

"Am I right?" you turned to Obito who was now sheepishly scratching the side of his cheek looking away, "...K-Kinda, yeah"

"Even with Deidara?"

He couldn't watch and was afraid to see Deidara's reaction and just nodded, "I did everything possible to keep Deidara alive until he...used that jutsu. I couldn't stop that"

Deidara was simply frozen in thought, so much information ran through him, memories reminded him back to Tobi's antics. He couldn't comprehend this all.

So you hugged him, tightly. "It's clear that Obi is better talking when he's hiding behind the mask so I'll do it for him. Despite how much he annoyed you, bothered you and were his friend. Best friend perhaps. Obito isn't much different. He's far less in your face and his voice isn't as piercing!" you chortled lightly.

"[Y/N]..!" Obito whined, still facing away, hiding the redness on his face.

Deidara hugged you back as a thank you, he pulled back and looked at Obito. "..Despite being a Uchiha, I prefer Obito over make [Y/N] happy, so..Hm"

Obito turned and smiled at Deidara, relieved. You were grinning ear to ear at the two and forced them into a group hug.
Quietly Obito acts out his Tobi voice, "If Deidara can't remember his parents. Perhaps Tobi and [Y/N]-chan can be his new ones!"


You crack up laughing as Deidara chases after the teasing Obito.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now