Requested: Death

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Requested by: GiacintoViola

This request takes place in the Akatsuki's Shadow. and is an alternative ending for [Y/N]

Based on the flashback shown in Chapter: Recovery in 'Akatsuki's Shadow'


"Hidaaaaannnn!" A recognisable voice was heard from afar. "Tobi you asshole where have you been!?" He growled in anger, "Quick take her to the base, she took something. I need to go back to Kakuzu. Barbie, you're with me lets go" He rushed off to his partner whilst Tobi used Kamui to transport you back. He landed in front of Konan and Pain who were just about to walk out of the living room.

"What happened?!" Konan yelled in shock at the sight of Tobi panting, holding your lifeless body in his arms. "Hidan-sama said [Y/N]-chan took something!" Pain moved closer and rummaged through your pouch, finding the antidote and stabbed it into your neck. "Sasori mentioned he gave her the antidote so I only assume it is this". Konan directed Tobi to place you in your room as she rushed to find some first aid supplies.

*Hours later*

"This is a joke, right? We left her in your hands, went on our own mission and this happens?" Kisame was frowning looking at your lifeless body.

"What happened exactly?" Itachi asked, glaring at Deidara and Tobi.

"T-The Leaf village a-attacked and kidnapped her whilst w-we were fighting. A-and she drank Sasori's toxin for her new jutsu.." He rambled on, his voice getting smaller. So Kakuzu continued, "She drank the toxin so that the Leaf village couldn't interrogate her. Hidan and I saw it happen and retrieved her"

"Yeah and where the fuck were you two!? She may of not of gone this far if you two were there for her!" Hidan grew angry seeing you laying there. He believed you'd wake up any moment but..nothing, no sign of it at all.

"T-Tobi brought her back here as soon as he could.."

"Not soon enough..a minute before and she potentially could have survived" Sasori said finishing up his analysation.

"We did everything we could, we were ambushed! Hm" Deidara defended, feeling so damn guilty that whilst he was in your hands, you suffered the worst possible fate. Hidan couldn't hold it in anymore, his fists were shaking. He grabbed Deidara by the collar, "You're. Fucking. Dead" He became to punch him over and over in the face. Deidara obliged, letting it happen. He fell to the ground as Hidan straddled and beat him to a pulp. He felt he deserved it, if anything he would change fate and swap places with you if he could.

Tobi couldn't handle it in front of the others and left the room, Zetsu followed.

Kakuzu barged out in anger, "Where are you going?" Sasori said, slightly annoyed he would disrespect you enough to leave. Not expecting it from him at all to act this way. He followed Kakuzu who proceeded to ignore him. Sasori wasn't having it though. The one person in the group that took the longest to get to know you and care for you, Sasori, was pretty damn pissed off from an emotionless puppet. "I'm talking to you, Kakuzu!"

Kakuzu paused his steps, Sasori could see and hear him trying to calm his angered, shaky breath. Sasori walked around to face the front of him. The man stood with his eyes tightly shut, all other features hidden by the mask, "She's dead.." He grumbled angrily.
"We're all upset but this is disrespectful of you. You could at least hold your partner back from breaking mine"

Kakuzu snapped at him, "He can kill Deidara for all I care"

Sasori was about to defend the situation but Kakuzu continued, "I'd like to think you of all people would understand Sasori but I don't exactly put faith or trust in anyone and I had to with her, didn't I? Now look-"

Sasori did understand. He knew Kakuzu from the beginning of the Akatsuki for they started at a similar time. He knew how Kakuzu was betrayed by his village, he lived hidden away and trusted no one for all his life. But Sasori could see him slowly opening up to you after all that time the Akatsuki spent with you. He never did that with the other members, not even his own partner. Sasori once caught the end of a conversation Kakuzu had with you where he told you about his village etc.

Kakuzu was hurt. You died before him. That wasn't meant to happen.
Sasori spoke calmly, "Sort yourself out and say goodbye to her the way she deserves" He left him to it and returned to your room where the others were.

Pain and Konan didn't know you as well enough compared to the others and out of respect, said their farewells to you and swiftly left the room to the others. Konan loved you from day one and she didn't want to cry in front of the others either, but Pain consoled her.

When Sasori returned to the room he overheard the fighting that began once again, "What if I pray to Jashin, turn her immortal?!" Hidan frantically began to find a solution, not accepting your death.

"She didn't wan to be a Jashinist so do not force it on her" Itachi retorted.

"What, don't you want her to live?! Fucking asshole" Hidan spat

"Of course I do, don't ever doubt that" Itachi's sharingan shun at Hidan.

"Tch, bring it Uchiha!" Hidan was practically starting a fight with everyone, he doesn't know how to show his emotions so fighting is the only way. Itachi put him into a genjutsu that silenced him.

"How do we..send her off?" Itachi continued the talk with the others in the room.

"With my art, she always appreciated it, hm" Deidara said firmly whilst rubbing his swollen cheek.

The others scowled at him, "We are NOT blowing her up" Kisame growled.

"We could eat her, We would never! It's what she would have wanted. No it isn't!" Zetsu began to argue with himself.

Kisame grabbed onto his temples, feeling a headache coming on. "That's it. Everyone, out. Fighting is not the way to go" Sasori agreed and brought his chakra strings out to force the non compliant ones out of the room.

When the door closed, Tobi appeared through the wall. He took his mask off. His eyes were streaming with tears as he wiped them with his sleeve profusely. He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, "[Y/N]..I'm so sorry we didn't get to you in time..I should have saved you..I should have - - "

His voice started to hitch, Zetsu bled into the room aside Obito. Obito tried his best to silence his cries for you and all Zetsu could do in this moment was kiss your forehead, bid you farewell "You were the only person we liked more than ourselves" He comforted Obito with an arm around his shoulder.

*The early hours of the morning*

"Guys..we can't just keep sitting here. We need to do something about [Y/N]" Kisame said, breaking the silence. The group sat in the living room, just staring into space thinking about you this whole time. Not knowing what to do.

Sasori entered the room, "That won't be necessary. I have it all covered"

The group stood up, about to break into an argument, "You fucking what!?"
"Who gave you the right to decide alone, Danna!? Hm"
"What have you done, Sasori?"

He held his hand up to silence then, they complied. "Follow me" he said.

When he opened the door, the boys were shocked with what they could see. They had no words, Sasori stood beside his new creation. He held up a cylinder, "Are you ready?" is all he said.

They just..watched in anticipation and shock. The puppet version of you stood tall, immaculate and an incredibly good replica of yourself. But Deidara couldn't help it, he spoke up, "Will she..accept this?"

"I recalled a conversation I had with her not too long ago. Her words were, 'No matter what, I want to spend the rest of eternity with the Akatsuki' and I thought, what better way with an art form that is eternal".

With those words relayed, Tobi sniffled behind the mask, many others fought back tears. Hiding them, keeping their composure.

Sasori proceeded to implant your new heart. After a minutes wait, your head lifted and looked around the room, "Guys..?"

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now