Requested: Say Cheese

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"..What is this?" Konan picks up an item she had found on the floor whilst Tobi had been carrying boxes of your belongings. You stated you wanted to limit the stuff from the future and start anew, but Tobi was having none of it and claimed most of it as his own. You were okay with this. But the Akatsuki weren't so much, the mess he made was ridiculous. As she picks up the object that fell from on of his boxes, Tobi peers over.
Tobi gasps, "Tobi's camera!" he grabs it and pops it into the box.

"Isn't it a bit small to be a camera?"

"Nope! It's a digital camera" he says incredibly smugly that he now owns this little gadget...until the batteries die, that is. He didn't think that far ahead. Nevertheless, he brings it back out of the box resting on his shoulder and snaps Konan and shows her the instant image. He is immensely fascinated. She had always wanted a picture of everyone together but photographers cost and most of all, no one would want to be in the same room as the whole Akatsuki; fearing for their lives.

She stares at the picture and Tobi already knows what she is thinking. "Good idea Konan!" he beams, dropping his box and scurrying around the hallways.

"But I didn't say anything yet.." she thinks aloud. Not long until you and some others approach.
"Tobi says we're having a group photo..?" you say a bit confused, rudely been awoken from your nap.

"What's the point, it's not like we're a team of genin, hm"
"[Y/N]'s probably being all sentimental" Sasori says.

"I'm right here, and I don't know either" you yawn

"I just thought it would be a good idea, we rarely are all together at once" Konan says quietly.
You smile and go to hug her, "That's so cute. Yes, let's. HIDAN. HURRY UP!"

He turns the corner covered in blood, "NOPE! SHOWER!"
He groans a long and bored growl doing a U-turn, returning after about 15 minutes.
In the mean time, you show Tobi how the timer works and he prepares a makeshift stand with two chairs for height. After a few failed attempts where Tobi doesn't make it in time, or he's fallen over, eventually the timer is set for longer.
He rushes over and sits in front of you, arm's spread in the air, "SAY CHEESE!!!" he yells.

"Cheddar, Wensleydale"

Heads turn to face Zetsu who stands fully focused on the picture.
Kakuzu, Itachi, Pain and Sasori look absolutely concerned at the guy.
Hidan, Tobi, Deidara, Kisame and yourself are in fits of laughter before the camera shakes and falls off the chair.
Konan heads to the camera, hoping it isn't damaged and looks at the image with a smile.

"We can try again" Pain states.

"No, it's perfect. Our dysfunctional little family"

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now