Requested: Zetsu's time

563 24 14

Requested by lyokophantomsims


"Truth?...or Dare"


"Why did you join the Akatsuki?"

"...Peace *whispers* good save. Truth or Dare?"


"Name your favourite out of all of us?"

"That's too far!!!"


"Shut uuuuppp...."

Zetsu laughed at your obvious but pained answer. Zetsu and yourself had the day to yourselves. Everyone else was busy with their own thing so Zetsu decided to take you on a little adventure. You both melted into the ground, holding onto one another and found a large forest far, far away from the built up world. Zetsu usually goes off by himself quite often and explores all over the place, finding new plants, ideas for his gardens and to learn about the world. This was by far one of his favourite forests that were in your country. It was a vast land of greenery, beautiful flowers and flocks of wildlife. The two of you sat in a high tree, watching below as a family of deer were feeding whilst their bambi plays.

Zetsu has learnt a lot about this world whilst being trapped in this timeline and only wished to know more about you. Therefore, you came up with this game. However, neither of you wanted to say had a mischievous glint in your eye he says. And you? Well ...Zetsu was a weird guy so you weren't so sure on the dares he might come up with.

"Okay..21 questions?" you suggested. He nods, "You go first"

"What's your favourite thing about the Akastuki?"

"..Tobi, No that's a stupid answer. But he's been with us from the start! So?! Fine.. The food"

"The food..?"

"Yes..they're killers, we always get fed well"

You sweat dropped at his dark side's...interesting answer.

Now for your question, "Everyone wears headbands, don't you have one?"

"No, we're not from a village like the others are. But following your question, Which village would you want to be from?"

You sat there pondering the question, which village would you pick? With the limited information you have on some villages, you just thought about which person you would wish to have known as a kid and perhaps grown up with as friends. You gasped at the sudden thought, "Oh oh oh!! Kisame's village..what's that..the mist?"

He nodded to confirm, "Why the mist village?"

You cooed, "Because little tiny Kisa would be so cuteeeeee~"

He chuckled deeply, "You're weird"

You raised an eyebrow at him, "Coming from you"


The two of you watched as the deer headed off elsewhere into the wilderness. You both decided to drop down from the tree and venture forth to observe other wildlife. Zetsu waited and watched you with a sweat drop appearing on the back of his head as you nervously hug the tree and slide down at a painfully, slow pace. He kept forgetting you're not a ninja.

"Whose turn is it to ask now?" you said dusting your trouser legs off.


"Okay Hmmmm let me think..lemme think.. OH!~ You've known Tobi for a while, right? Have you ever seen under his mask?"

Zetsu side eyed you as you two continued to walk through the dense trees, "We have"

You were so fascinated, your eyes lit up with pure interest, "Really? What's he look like!?"

Zetsu chuckled, placing a finger on your lips, "You can't ask two questions, It's our turn to ask a question now"

You pouted and crossed your arms, but he only laughed at your behaviour and pulled your hand out from being wrapped around your chest and held it in his own whilst you walked with him. You looked down at your hand and his, questioningly but not complaining at all. It's just ...not usually what you'd expect from him. Maybe Tobi, maybe Itachi, heck maybe even Hidan just to see you go red in the face and tease you.

"If you had the chance to follow us, would you?"

The question made you stutter in your steps in surprise, "..O-Of course. I'd put my life on that"

Suddenly Zetsu turned and pulled you into an embrace, you were bewildered by the strange actions but still chose to hug back, just as tightly as he did. "Good. We dislike the idea of losing you"

Your eyes softened at the kind words coming rom such a "I feel the same way, Zetsu"

He pulled away and smiled at you, both sides did. "Your turn to ask us something"

"What's with the sudden affection? I'm not complaining!'re usually quite a 'keep to yourself' type of guy"

He smirked, "It worked - *clears throat* Now that we have some time with you alone, we don't have to deal with the others. We care about you a lot, for instance we see you as a little sibling to take care of but we don't plan on dealing with the likes of Hidan or Deidara and their painful attempt of hiding their jealousy"

You smiled at his sweet swords but then recalled, "Hey wait..what did you mean by 'it worked'?" You started poking at the black side's arm. He chuckled deeply, "You used your question up so you couldn't ask us anymore about Tobi's appearance"

"Damn! You sneaky bastard. Hey...was the hug just for that?!" you said now feeling a little hurt.

He placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair, "No, not at all. We were speaking the truth and we do like you, in our own weird way. MmHmm! Forever unedible".

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