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So the previous oneshot actually sparked on a small idea which I had to write down and thought to share. No Akatsuki member was mentioned so that you as the reader may imagine whoever you wish yourself. Personally, my mind was on Kisame hehe



You're pretty carefree and independent. You keep to yourself, very introverted and enjoy watching the world, rather than being a part of it. What you never expected though was you to feel jealousy over one of the Akatsuki members. You denied it, but the sinking feeling in your chest, that burning sensation on the back of your neck and the rage fuelled inside you just...appeared, out of nowhere. You had to take a deep breath and look away to reduce it but your eyes kept firmly on what you could see before you, your mind just told you that if you looked away, then you've lost them.

It was a simple innocent act, nothing was actually going on at all. He was just asking a question about a product in the shop he was holding. But what forced you to watch and stare was that cringe, fake ass giggle the female staff member created. The way she played with her hair and her cheeks flushed pink at the sight of him. You care about all members of the Akatsuki, you love them. You wouldn't say you are 'in love' with them but..they came to you. Only you truly know them for who they are, therefore you didn't want to share them. As sickly toxic as that sounded to you, right now you didn't care. Something within you took over, you don't have two personalities that you're aware of but upon seeing the cringeworthy sight of this poor woman's actions just sent your blood boiling. A million things went through your mind but there's a time and place. So you simply walked to his side, slithered your hand into his, linking fingers. Your other arm tightly held onto his bicep as you rested your head again his shoulder.

You said nothing.

You didn't need to.

The glare you gave her was enough.

She looked surprised at first, eyeing the two of you up, almost questioning, if you truly were together then what the hell does he see in you. You smiled venomously at her with your eyes carefully watching her features change to utter regret. She left in a instant. She could see that your eyes were sending threatening daggers as if to say, don't come near him again. He raised his eyebrow and looked down at you with a smirk of pride, "Were you...jealous?"

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, it was as if the trance you were under dissipated. You instantly looked at the hold you had on his arm and flinched away. You blushed a beet red and couldn't even make eye contact with him. You just mumbled, "Let's go already" and power walked out of the shop, dragging your hood over your head as if to hide the utter embarrassment that came over you.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now