Requested: Tobi Time

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This is based in the sequel (Everyone is at the Akatsuki Hideout)


Zetsu sat on Obito's bed, smiling at the scene. Obito was painfully trying to tighten his tie around his neck but was struggling, "Who even wears these things.." He grumbled to himself at the mirror.

"You, apparently. You look nice Obito. What's the occasion?"

Obito pouted into the mirror, looking at Zetsu through the reflection, "Y-You know the occasion..I already told you.."

Zetsu smirked, resting his fist upon his chin, "We know, we just want you to say it"

Obito started grumbling under his breath, straightening up his tie, "It's been a year sine we met [Y/N] and.."

Zetsu smiled further, "Aaaaaand?"

He spun round and held a fist up in annoyance, "Is it so funny to mock me liking someone and wanting to treat them to something nice?!"

Zetsu snickered, "Not at all, It's just so adorable to see you getting so worked up"

Obito just pointed to the door scowling. Zetsu obliged and left the room, "Don't call me adorable! Leave!"

"Have her back by midnight~ or the others will kill you".

Obito scoffed at his comment and turned to the mirror, giving himself the best pep talk he possibly could to remove the anxiety in his gut, "'ve never been on a date..but you'll do great. polite and a gentlemen. Oh and you're better than Deidara. Yeah...okay.."

He breathed out a shaky breath, then he just realised, "..Shit I haven't even asked her. I just got ready and thought ahead" He held his head in his hands practically embarrassed at his own stupidity, "No, this is good...spontaneous. Yeah.."

He picked up the flowers Zetsu retrieved for him, and stood in front of the mirror once more. He looked himself over, gaining a blush of nervousness.

(The picture to this story - ISN'T HE CUTE!??!)

He placed his mask on and vortexed to outside your room, knocking swiftly.

You opened the door, "Hey - - oh..oh wow, Tobi, hey" You were surprised, but the image in front of you was simply adorable. He looked amazing in a suit, question was.. when did he even get a suit?

You could see him slightly shaking as he held out the bouquet to you, "T-This is for you, [Y/N]-chan"
You blushed pink across your face, "Tobi.." you were so smitten, taking the bouquet and smiling brightly behind them.

"So er..." Tobi began to scratch the back of his head, getting super nervous now. "Well.. Tobi er...wants to er....take [Y/N] [Y/N]-chan know where Tobi is going with this?!"

He started to panic with his nerves increasing. You giggled at his adorable actions, "Is Tobi asking me on a"

He nodded and hummed with agreement whilst looking away. You couldn't help but blush further and smile wider than before. "Yes Tobi I would love that"

You could hear the high pitch squeal of happiness behind his mask and a long sigh of relief, removing the nerves he once had. He was so relieved you said yes otherwise he would have looked like an idiot right now. He was like a little kid excited for his birthday party or something.

You looked down at yourself, "Hey wait..I'm not dressed for this. Give me 10 minutes, okay?" He nodded and waited outside your room.


Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now