Requested: Capture the Flag, Snow edition

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"I'm fucking boredddddddd" Hidan bellowed with his face in the sofa's pillow, laying flat on his front taking up all the space. Kisame came into the room, grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him off effortlessly and onto the ground so he could seat himself; Itachi followed pursuit beside him.

"Go do something then, just sitting around won't solve anything" Kisame responded.

Hidan growled from the ground, his nose stinging from the impact. He sat up, "And do what? Come on fish boy, spar with me! I'm bored of not fighting and sacrific- -" Kisame swiftly and yet so casually kicked him in the face, knocking Hidan back to the ground with a loud thud, "The fight would be over in seconds, you're no match for me."

"Entertian Tobi or something. Get him off the damn TV so I can watch something better than this, hm" Deidara says eyeing up the remote in Tobi's grasp as he's practically pressed against the screen. He gasps, not taking his eyes away from the TV, "Hidan will play a game with Tobi!?"

Hidan rolls his eyes, "Hell no, I'm not doing something childish and boring"

"Awwww, I'll play with Tobi!" You call out as you walk into the room, then join Tobi's side leaning on his shoulder looking as cute as you could to tease Hidan.
Tobi's eyes deterred instantly from the screen, he throws the remote at Deidara who unfortunately does not catch it with his hands, but his face.

"Happy days! What shall we play [Y/N]-chan!?"

Just as Tobi was tackling you into a hug, Kakuzu walked through the door. You gasped, "IS IT SNOWING?!!?" you said with such delight in your voice. Kakuzu dusts off the snow from his coat and hair stating it's coming down hard outside. You rushed to the closed curtains and poke your head through from the bottom, seeing your car caked in snow and the roads covered.

"Tobiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~ Let's go out in the snow!!!"

By the time you scrambled yourself back out of the curtain and turn to face Tobi, he's reappeared in the room with a large coat and a scarf wrapped around his mask over and over and a beanie hat on top, "Tobi is ready!"

The adorable sight sends you squeezing past Kakuzu in the doorway to get to your shoes, coat and any other warm clothing, Tobi calls out, "Will we still play games in the snow? What shall we plaaaayyyy?!?"

"mm...Capture the flag?" you suggest, tying your shoes.


Tobi and you turn to Kisame, surprised at his outburst. "What..I like snow.."

"Tobi supposes it is just frozen water" he shrugs. "Lets play both!!!"

"Hey wait up, I wanna fight!" Hidan gets up to head out to find more suitable clothing than just trousers. But before he can do anything, Tobi grabs Hidan's and Deidara's legs and rushes out the front door dragging them, "We have more players! Quick [Y/N]-chan and Kisame senpai! We need to find a suitable battlefield!"

The sounds of the pair being dragged yelling away by Tobi don't disappear but get louder and louder the further they get dragged away. Kakuzu sighs and Itachi questions it, "Someone needs to supervise the idiots" Itachi agrees and decides to come along, resulting into everyone eventually joining.


You managed to eventually catch up to Tobi by the snow trail the other two's bodies made on the ground. Eventually you and everyone else came up to a forest/park area. You followed the sounds of Deidara and Hidan's threats as they try to punch Tobi to which their fists just fly through his being. He stands there nonchalantly waiting for you, as you come into view he skips towards you leaving the two accidentally punching one another, turning into a miniature brawl.
Zetsu appears aside you, passing you his makeshift flags, made out of sticks and borrowed headbands. Sasori tosses a hoodie over to Deidara.

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