Akatsuki Concert

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*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

The sound rattled through the house, causing confusion among the group. Kisame and Deidara looked around the kitchen, Kakuzu stayed perched on the sofa with his money. Hidan slept through the sound and Zetsu was outside, so he was paying no attention to the ruckus inside. Sasori managed to track the sound down and stared at the phone sitting in the hallway. Itachi came too, watching Sasori stare at it. "I think you're meant to pick it up"

*Ring Ring*

"..You do it"

*Ring Ring*

"..but then what do you do?"

"Tobi will do it!! Tobi's seen [Y/N]-chan use it before" He sprung out of no where and picked up the phone, "Hellooooooo?!"
Tobi's exterior began to stiffen as he heard your voice on the end of the phone, "Oh dear..Oh dear, oh dear"

"Tobi, what is it?" Sasori asked.

Tobi began nodding and humming to your words before placing the phone back down, he monetarily stared at the two in front of him in silence for a few seconds, "Tobi, we don't have all day" Sasori said, slowly getting agitated.

"[Y/N]-chan has been hurt!!! Oh dear!!! She needs someone to come and get her!!" He started to run up and down the hallway in a panic. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"

"[Y/N]'s been in an accident?! Where is she!?!" Deidara overheard and joined in the hallway, stopping Tobi and shaking him.

"Oh erm...Tobi didn't hear that part, he was too occupied being worried" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"We will go, we can find her. Don't you worry~" Zetsu left quickly, in hopes the search for you won't take too long for he too, was worried..not that he would say this aloud.


After about 45 minutes, Zetsu bled you though the ground in the middle of the kitchen. You were holding onto a crutch with your one free hand. He brought you up to your feet from holding you bridal style and stood close by you, incase you needed the assistance. Guiding you to the living room, you sat on the sofa. Tobi turned round from his game and wheezed, "[Y/N]-chan!!!!! What happened?!?!"

You chuckled at his reaction, "Tobi, I told you on the phone!"

He started to poke his index fingers together sheepishly, "Tobi already forgot because he was too busy trying to remember where you said you were.."

He instantly jumped up, pushing Deidara off the sofa and rested your casted leg up on the sofa, "Tobi! Deidara can still sit!" you scolded.

"Asshole! Hm"

"What happened, [Y/N]?" Itachi said a bit concerned, coming to your side.

You rested your head back onto the sofa and sighed out, "It was my fault really..I got hit by a car.."

"YOU WHAT!?" the majority of the group said.

You raised your hands defensively, "Well as you can see, I'm okay!!! He wasn't going that fast thankfully. Luckily the car swerved and I dodged most of it.. just broke my leg and sprained my wrist. The driver's okay - - "

"Who gives a shit about the driver!!" Hidan bellowed.

You continued, "He took me to the hospital and wouldn't stop apologising". You shrugged it off, knowing you were at fault for having your headphones on, not paying attention on your lunch break at work when you crossed the street, aiming for the bakery because your stomach was craving a glazed doughnut. You puffed your cheeks out at the reminder you never got your doughnut.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now