Requested: The wonders of books

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Whoop silly me added this to the wrong place at first, sorry! it's back again but here~

Requested by threeworlds, Thank you so much for the request!! This story is set in the sequel


You snickered in the corner with your back against the wall, hiding a book within a larger book in hopes to keep your discretion. Itachi was idly skimming through the rows and rows of books at the book store, looking for something new to add his collection.

He kept getting distracted from your giggles that you believed were silent but of course they weren't. You were reading a fan fiction. Itachi peered his head past the aisle and looked at you on the floor, "Why is she laughing at a 'Gardening for dummies' book?" He thought to himself.

He decided to walk to you and find out for himself. As a shadow formed over you, your snickers stopped. You sucked your lips in and looked up at him, guiltily. He tilted his head to one side ever so slightly, "Why do you look as if you're in trouble?"

You pressed the book flat to your chest so he couldn't see as your cheeks flushed red, "N-No reason at all.." you obviously lied. He went to search the aisle you were down, pretending; waiting. As you went back to your book he swiftly swiped it from your grasp, "Itachi No!"

He instantly skimmed the page you were one, never have you seen such emotion on his face. His eyes were wide with surprise and his whole face glowed with embarrassment. He quickly closed the the book and gave it back to you without a word.
He cleared his throat and mumbled out, "I-I'm going to pay for my book, I'll meet you outside"
He took his leave quite quickly, slumping his head into the high neck collar of his cloak.

After being caught as soon as you came across this perverted book out of curiosity, you quickly put it back where you found it and sulked down the aisle back towards Itachi. However, a particular corner of books caught your interest. They were covered by a black curtain. Curiosity of course, peaked your interest and you snuck a look. You gasped at your findings, instantly skimming through one. After a minute you ended up grabbing the whole row of books and ran to the owner of the book store. You slammed your money on the counter, "Keep the change!"

You ran out of the shop and past Itachi, "Let's go, Let's go!"
He followed behind, "What's the matter?"

"I found something you all need to see! Now hurry!"


"EVERYONE GET IN HERE" you yelled, finally catching your breath as you entered the hideout.

"Where's the fire? Hm" Deidara came in, almost concerned at your calls.

You ushered him to sit down and wait for the others. Upon everyone's arrival they sat down at the table and waited for you to speak. You started to get a little red in the face for what you're about to say. You scratched the back of your neck nervously, "So erm..Itachi and I went to the book store and I came across some ....books"

"Well yeah, no shit" Hidan scoffed.

You rolled your eyes at him.

Itachi closed his eyes and his hands covered them as his elbows perched on the table, "Please don't tell me it's the one you were reading...that does not call for a meeting".

"Heh heh..oh..this does. I saw Hidan's name and..."

"Mine? What book is this?" Hidan got curious.

Itachi opened his eyes, "You mean to say..there's one..involving him?"

All you did was nod aggressively back and forth with your eyes closed almost embarrassed but holding back the childish giggles. "There's more than one..and of all of you.." Your chuckle slips from your mouth as you couldn't hold it back.

"Can you please explain what you're saying? This is all very vague" Sasori spoke.

"Why explain, when you can read?" You passed out the books towards each person.

Deidara instantly slammed his book closed and threw it across the room, "NO. NO! Are you kidding me?! Who would draw that!? HM".

Hidan was acting like a child with something he shouldn't have. He was laughing away as he joyfully read his lemon involving him and 'female reader'. Sasori had a blank expression as usual, skimmed his before closing the book and leaving, "Such a waste of time, publishing something that's never going to happen".

Tobi sunk underneath the table, holding his knees after reading his Tobi x Deidara doujinshi. "Oh dear...Tobi likes Deidara senpai..but not like that" he shuddered.

"Itachi..have you..seen this?" Kisame said with purple spread across his face. Neither Itachi or Kisame could look at one another, "If It's the same as the one in front of me..yes" Both of them had an Itachi x Kisame stories. Kisame had a doujinshi and Itachi had a ..very descriptive lemon.

"Hey gimme yours" Hidan snatched Kakuzu's book away. "What the..." As soon as Hidan saw the front cover of Kakuzu holding Hidan bridal style, he instantly flicked through the book with one eyebrow raised. Each page he turned, his eyes grew. Every now and then his eyes would trail up to Kakuzu, who refused to even look at him, and then back down to the book. "Wha- Kakuzu what are you doi - - NO!!!" After a few more minutes he slammed the book closed and crossed his arms, leaning back with the faintest of pink blushes on his cheeks, "I am NOT the sub in this relationship.."

"THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP!" Kakuzu yelled, standing up and burning the books that involved him.

Tobi instantly brought his hand up from under the table and flicked his book into the fire Kakuzu created.

"What's going on?" Konan and Pain entered the room.
"[Y/N] found some books that involve us.." Kisame sighed and cringed all at the same time.

"Uh huh, look!" You passed Konan one that involved Pain and Konan. She blushed instantly and hid it from Pain, shaking her head at him to not try and look. She looked at the others and squinted, "Who were you all paired with?"

"Hm, our partners.. though there seems to be two of me. One with Sasori and one with Tobi..Hm" He pouted, annoyed that he too was the submissive in both stories. Konan swiped a book away, walking off. Deidara turned, "What are you doing with that...Hm"

"I'm curious.." She said sheepishly power walking to her room, holding the book of Deidara and Sasori.

"Where is this store, I'm burning the shop down" Kakuzu growled.

You pointed behind you, "Erm...Land of Rivers"

He instantly sped out of the hideout. Itachi turned to you, "You lied"

You snorted, "I know but it would be mean to burn a whole shop down over a couple of books.."

"Who even wrote these anyway.." Tobi whined, slowly bringing himself back into his seat.

You flicked to the final page of the left over books and noticed a chibi character baring long, spikey, white hair and red facepaint from his eyes down his cheeks and to his chin, holding a peace sign aside his cheesy grin.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt