Requested: Kakuzu Time

506 27 10

Requested by: lyokophantomsims


It was a strange feeling. You woke up feeling like you were bundled in warmth, a feeling where you never wanted to leave the bed. Your eyes stayed shut, refusing to allow the day to begin and you shuffled the duvet up to your neck to harvest that comfort for longer. You began to turn your body in order to snuggle your face into the pillow further but was abruptly bonked on the head with a mask, you chuckled, "Tobiiiii, What're you doing here?"

A bizarre sound was made.


Once again, the sound occurred. You opened one eye to investigate.

"...Oh. It's you"

You raised your head and stared on, before rubbing your eyes in order to make sure you were seeing what you believed.

"What're you doing here?" It began to made a whimper sound and lower its head.

You looked at it sweetly, "Aw no, I didn't mean it like that"

You looked at the other end of your room to see that Tobi wasn't around. That was when you remembered that he and the others were out today for their own different reasons. You heard a commotion coming from outside the room and decided to get up, however the little one who usually..isn't so little, didn't want to leave your side.

You smiled fondly. "Well come on then" you said with arms out after changing into new clothes for the day. It bounced into your arms, facing out, letting out a strange vibration.

"You act like a little kitten but look like a sweet baby grizzly bear" you giggled.

You left the room with it in your arms and went to investigate the sound. The culprit came from the spare room, you listened through the door and heard furniture moving in a flurry of panic. You decided to knock. The motions stopped hastily and footsteps edged closer to open the door.

Kakuzu looked down at you then shocked at what was in your hands, he pointed growling at it, eyes slit with frustration. It squeaked and crawled up your body to hide behind your head. "Get back here, now" he grunted.

It shook his head and nuzzled into your neck, you chuckled. "Awww it likes me!"

It made a bizarre sound which resulted into the 3 other masks on Kakuzu's back to remove themselves and flop to the floor, they were miniature versions of what they usually are. Your eyes glistened, "Kuuzzzzuuuuuuuu They're so cuteeeee~"

"They're not cute. They're weapons" he said trying to catch them but they were dodging with wondrous ease.

You were giggling at the cat and mouse game that came between them. They eventually used your legs to hide behind and lightning mask hopped into your arms. Kakuzu stood up straight and watched them intently with a confused look. He couldn't comprehend why they are doing this today of all days.

"It's just us two today, isn't it?" You nodded in response after sticking your face out into the hallway to double check.

He sighed in defeat, he crouched to water and air at your legs and glared at them before giving the same treatment to fire and lightning who are now on your shoulders, "You've got until the others come back. Do you hear me?"

They all nodded sheepishly, when Kakuzu stood back up and relaxed, he began heading into the kitchen. They all began to bounce with joy and act up. You felt like you were surrounded by puppies, something tells you today is going to be a cute day.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now