Requested: Itachi gets glasses

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Kisame turns to look at you, both wondering where that sound came from. Most of the Akatsuki were out so you just assumed it was you two for now.
"..Hello?" you called out.

Itachi appears.
"Good Morning Itachi" Kisame greets. Itachi gives him a slight nod before heading to the kitchen cabinet to grab a mug to have some tea.

"What was that sound earlier?" you ask ushering him to sit down and make the tea for him. Whilst you're at it you might as well make Kisame and yourself one as well. He looked to the side not making eye contact, "I'm not sure, I heard it too."

A little white lie.

Kisame has known Itachi for a very long time now, longer than most of his former teammates. He grabbed him by the chin and turned him to face him, "Itachi, your nose is bleeding" He looked up to his eyes and notices. They're getting worse.

Kisame leans back in his chair and grabs something for Itachi's nose in order for Itachi to wipe away the blood.

"Itachi did you..walk into a wall?" you said now placing the cups down, slight concern etched into your voice.

"...A doorframe" he mumbles into his tea as he brings it up to his lips.

"Tachiiiiii, were you just not looking where you were going?" you complained with care, now going to help him with his nose bleed. You looked up to Kisame who was still staring at Itachi's eyes. The look on his face caused you to look too. You gasped faintly, "Itachi.. your eyes"

"It's fine" he says quickly, closing them so you can't see.

"This is what happens when you use the sharingan so often, Itachi" Kisame says.

"Wait so, this is inevitable for someone with the sharingan?" you ask now worried more than before for your friend.
Kisame nods whereas Itachi explains the sharingan as a whole to you.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Maybe stand in front of him so he doesn't break his nose next time"

"I might be losing my sight but my hearing is just fine, Kisame"
Kisame chuckles.

"Can I take you to get your eyes tested? It won't take long"

"I appreciate the concern but they're fine, [Y/N]"

"Oh yeah? How many fingers am I holding up?" Kisame says pulling his fingers up in clear view for Itachi.

He stares at the momentarily, then squints as faintly as possible so neither of you notice, but you do.

"When you're done with your tea, we're heading into town, okay?"

Itachi sighs and sips his tea incredibly slowly.


"Hmm yes, your visions is quite impaired. You will need glasses, sir"

"Glasses will only cause attention. The others will realise my weakness"

"Then what about contact lenses?" you suggest.

Itachi shakes his head quite vigorously, "I don't like the idea." The thought of touching his eyes just reminds him of the past and his dear friend, Shisui.

Itachi still came up with excuses with you regarding glasses until the optician placed a sample pair on him. He froze looking at you then turned to look at everything in the room, "Amazing. Everything is so...clear"


*Returning home that evening*

Hidan: "Pffffffft HAHAHAHAHA What's with the new look red eyes?!"
Deidara: "You look ridiculous, hm"
Kakuzu: "Will glasses affect your visual prowess?"
Zetsu: "I think you look sophisticated, a sophisticated fool"
Tobi: "Ooooo! Tobi wants glasses! Tobi could look super swanky too!"
Sasori: "Your ears are covered by your mask, how would you wear them?"
Tobi: "Tape!"
Kisame: I think you look good, Itachi

You lean in to Itachi and whisper, "You want to try the contact lenses now?"
He hummed in agreement. The attention is too much for him.

Akatsuki Oneshots (Based on A Taster of Modern Living and Akatsuki's Shadow)Where stories live. Discover now