Requested: Acer Palmatum

876 36 23

A/N: Requested by Attack_On_Titan_girl

Hope you enjoy!!

If anyone has any requests please feel free to message me




"Let's fucking do this!"

"Aaaaaand GO!"

You refereed a sparring match between Hidan and Deidara. How did this come about? The pair were arguing about the video game they were just playing and it somehow got into a strength competition. An arm wrestle obviously couldn't suffice for these two, so of course they wanted an actual fight. Due to the location of your garden and Hidan's lack of scythe, it was physical strength alone. Tobi sat aside you with a bowl of popcorn and a tiny little yellow flag to root Deidara on. Personally, you couldn't decide who would win this fight so you were more than happy to ref the fight in order to watch and find out.

Hidan hit first, punching Deidara square in the face. Deidara stumbled back grabbing his nose, "You asshole!"
Hidan cackled at Deidara's reaction and went in for a kick. Deidara hooked his arm around his shin and twisted with all his might. Hidan avoided the break by hopping and spinning, using his other leg to kick him in the chest, causing the pair to fall into the bed of flowers, crushing them.

"Uh oh" Tobi said quite seriously.

The two clasped each others hands, rolling back and forth to gain the upper hand of the battle. You noticed Tobi pause his eating and um and er in a slight panic but you couldn't keep your eyes of the fight. Deidara kneed Hidan in the gut, causing him to fall back. Deidara jumps on top of him and punched his face three times before Hidan brought his knee up into Deidara's special area. He wheezed out, falling back holding himself.

"Foul!" You called.

"What do you mean foul!? It's a fight!" Hidan protested.

"This is a strength fight and you went for the poor guys nuts! Start again when Deidara has a minute"

You finally turned to Tobi, "What's up?" you asked.

He pointed jittery to the plants. It was then you realised and frowned, "Oh dear..Zetsu isn't going to like this, huh?"

"Zetsu isn't going to like - - - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PLANTS?!" Zetsu bled through the ground and instantly saw the damage. Deidara and Hidan looked at one another after hearing Zetsu's blood curdling roar and pointed at one another, "He did it!" The two proclaimed.

Zetsu growled angrily, "We never liked you two, come here. Let me eat you. Now now, they probably don't taste very nice anyway. Then we will kill them, slowly and painfully".

"Over a bunch of measly flowers? Pff" Hidan spouted.

Deidara and Tobi looked shocked at Hidan for his words, wide eyed and shook there heads vigorously. "Dude, did you not hear what happened to Tobi when he damaged some of Zetsu's plants back at the hideout?Hm" Hidan raised an eyebrow with no response. Zetsu walked up to Hidan and got right up in his face, "We tried to eat him, every night for 2 weeks. Never letting him rest, never letting him eat, never letting him have a moment to breathe safely"

Tobi hid behind you shuddering at the memories but you started to see the tension and got up hastily, standing between the two. You held onto Zetsu's hand, "Heyyyy...why don't we go out and find some new plants, better plants for you? Hmm?" You tried to distract him as you twitched your head at Hidan to 'run and hide', which he actually did. Zetsu's white side took over at this point, as you had his hand and it was you, he did calm down a bit but was still very upset. You saw his head turn to Deidara and his black side started to growl under his breath, "Okay let's go!" you said pulling Zetsu along.

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