Harry- ageplay

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JesyI giggled as Perrie and Jade greeted Harry at the door. Harry was their little friend. We trusted his and his caregiver so much when it came to the whole little thing and he's a great person to have around the girls when they need some new stimulation. "Hi Jesy, how are you?" Damien, Harry's caregiver, asked me and wrapped his free arm around my shoulders. "I'm really good, and you?" I replied, kissing his cheeks in a friendly way. "I'm alight," he shrugged. I smiled. "Harrrrrry come play, we got new toys to show wooo!" Perrie giggled and tugged at Harry's arm. "I go play daddy?" Harry gasped excitedly and turned to Damien."Of course you can bud, be good!" Damien smiled and ruffled Harry's hair. Perrie and Harry ran off together and Jade was at their tail. She was sleepy today as she struggled getting to sleep last night but I'm hoping the play date will cheer her up and give me my normal giddy little girl back. Perrie was her hyper self- as usual. She'd been bouncing off the walls ever since breakfast. She always got excited when Harry came over.

I made Damien a coffee and we sat down at the table together. We usually caught up on each other before we tended to the excitable littles in the other room. We could see them clearly anyway so we knew if they were up to any mischief. "We should send them outside, it's overly sunny today," Damien perked up, gazing out of the window. "Oh tell me about it. Jadey could hardly sleep last night she was too hot," I chuckled and looked outside too. I suppose it wouldn't hurt, allowing them to run around in the sunny weather. I looked to Damien and he nodded. I smiled and stood up from the table and walked into the lounge area. What shocked me was to see Perrie playing by herself and Harry and Jade playing with some dolls at the complete other side of the room. "Is everything okay?" I asked, feeling instantly worried there had been a fall out. "Mhmm, Pewwie wan'ed play over dere mama," Jade smiled happily, looking up from the doll Harry was cradling in his arms. "Is that true Pez?" I said, going over to sit beside her. "Yeah, I no want pway what they pwaying," she explained. I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Well we were thinking we could all go and play in the garden!" Damien chimed and clapped his hands. "I do daddy!" Harry cheered and stood up, dropping the doll in the process. "Carefwullll," Jade groaned and picked the doll up and quickly checked him over. I chuckled and went over to kiss her cheek too. "It's alright little one, let's go play," she nodded, laid her doll down on a blanket and jumped up. "Come on Pezzzza," she giggled, running to Pez and getting her hand. Perrie giggled and ran after Jade. I smiled and went too. Harry and Damien were already playing outside.

"We hwave skippin competition?" Perrie chimed, pulling out three skipping ropes from the box of garden toys. I giggled and nodded. Jade cheered and followed to grab one and Harry followed close behind."Okay so we awll start at de same time and de person goin de wongest wins!" Perrie giggled, positioning herself on the rope. I laughed and sat back with Damien, watching intently. "Do you think this will end in tears?" He mumbled to me so the little ones couldn't hear. "I hope not," I sighed, rolling my eyes. I knew Perrie got extremely competitive when it comes to things like this, especially skipping as she was very very good at it. However, I knew Harry had a great reputation too.

"Mama woo count us in?" Jade asked, looking towards us. "Okay I'll count. You all start on three okay?" I laughed, leaning forwards. They all nodded at once and I began counting. "One, two..." I smiled, teasing them as I saw their eager wrists ready to starting spinning, "three." They all began skipping together. Jade was out first, almost falling to the floor as she tripped on her rope. "Uh oh!" I giggled and opened my arms. She smiled sadly and walked over and sat between my legs. Her head leaned back on to my belly and I played with her hair- watching Harry and Perrie. "Who gon win mama?" She asked me and looked up at me. "Hm I don't know baby. Who do you think will win?" I replied, cupping her cheeks. "Hmm, I fink Pewwie win b but i wan Hawwy win!" she giggled. "You don't want your sister to win?" I gasped, teasing her. She giggled and shook her head. I looked back up and saw them still skipping but I could see Perrie beginning to lose it slightly, she kept. I smiled at her but just as she went to smile back her foot caught on the rope and she lost.

"NO!" she shouted, pouting instantly and stamping her foot. "I winned! well dwone Pewwie," Harry smiled cutely and handed his hand out for Perrie to shake. But Perrie just pushed it away and turned away from him so none of us could see her face. Harry giggled and walked over to Jade. "Well dwone Jadey, woo did supppper well," Harry giggled. Jade smiled and stood up, together they went to play in the sand pit. Damien pouted at me and side glanced to a sulking Perrie in the corner. She could be a big sore loser really but she usually got over it pretty fast."I'll go have a chat with her if you don't mind entertaining them two?" I smiled and nodded my head at Harry and Jade. They were giggling and playing well together. However, I couldn't help but notice Jade blushing a little here and there. She could just be hot in the sun of course. "Deal," Damien said, nodding and walking to the littles in the sand pit. Perrie looked up at them and huffed the turned herself around again.

"Hey my little grump, what's up?" I smirked and sat down beside her. However I got a huff in reply and she turned away from me. "Oooh princess, don't be grumpy with me!" I teased and put my hand on her waist. "I no wan twalkkk, she huffed and wiggled. "Princess you only lost one game, why don't you offer him a rematch?" I suggested, sympathetically and played with some of her blonde curls. "Hm he jus win gain," she grumbled and crossed her arms. She gave him some evil eyes but I turned her head to look at me. She huffed and I saw her eyes go glassy."Please don't cry baby. You can be grumpy for losing but you can't be mean about it okay? I only like nice little girls in my house," I warned but smiled sadly. She just huffed again but leaned on me. I smiled, wrapped my arms around her shoulders and rubbed her back. "You're always my little winner princess," I giggled, kissed her head and began to rock us side to side.

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