Oh Pezza pt2

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I feel so upset, it's about 3pm and I literally haven't smiled once all day. "Oh Pez, come here." I heard Jesy say as she sat next to me and opened her arms. "What's the matter Baby?" She asked and rubbed my back. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. "Is it the wetting sweetheart?" She asked me, I nodded sadly, that's when I broke into sobs. "Oh no, Perrie. No need for tears." She sighed and hugged me tighter. "Come on Baby, no need for this." She wiped my tears. "I-I'm sorry." I cried. "Don't be sweet." She sighed. That's when Jade joined us. "You're okay." Jade sighed and rubbed my back. "I don't want to be like this." I whispered and sat up. "Like what?" Jesy asked. "Wetting the bed constantly." I sighed. "Baby, it's been twice. Stop worrying about it." Jade chuckled and rubbed my arm. "I can't help it." I sighed frustratedly. "Look, we will try and help you okay." Jade laughed and kissed my temple. I nodded and thanked them.
"Goodnight Baby." Jade whispered and kissed my head. I nodded sadly and tried to settle. "Pez, relax." She whispered and rubbed my back. We were sleeping in the same bed tonight, I just needed comfort. "I can't, I'm going to wee." I cried. "No darling, have you gone to the toilet?" She asked me. I nodded. "So you're empty, trust me Perrie. You'll be okay." She sighed and hugged me properly. I nodded and tried my best to relax.
I woke up with a wet patch in-between my legs, on my thighs. I just broke into tears again. "Pez?" I heard Jade say. "I'm sorry." I cried. "Oh love, lets get you cleaned up." She whispered and I felt the warmth of her presence leave my back. I whispered more and reached for her to pick me up, she carries me when I'm tired, ill or drunk; right now I just needed comfort. "Pez, it's okay." She whispered and rubbed my head I shook it and cried harder. We walked into the bathroom and she sat me on the seat. "Legs out." she whispered and I did she pulled of my wet shorts and underwear. Once she cleaned me up, put me in some clean underwear and shorts and calmed my cries down, we walked back into the bedroom of the hotel. I was shocked when I saw the dry sheets, I looked over no saw Jesy awake on her phone. "Thanks Jess." Jade smiled and pulled me down next to her, I hid my face in her neck and fell back asleep, even though it was 6am and we had to be out of the hotel by 8.
I asked Jesy and Leigh to go to boots earlier, I told them to buy a protective sheet and a packet of adult bladder protection pull up things. I do want to embarrass Perrie in any way but if this bed wetting keeps carrying on then we can't keep changing the sheets in the hotel rooms. They have just got back and I called Perrie over. "Get comfy love." I laughed as she cuddled into me. She chuckled and did it more. "I'm glad you're smiling baby." I laughed and rubbed her arm she hummed in response. "Are you ready Pez?" Leigh said and reached into the bag as she sat opposite us. Perrie furrowed her eyebrows but nodded anyway. Leigh pulled out the packet of protective adult pull ups and handed it to her. "What the actual fuck?" She whispered and turned them over in her hands. "Who are these for?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes. "You." Jesy whispered and sat next to her. "You actually think I'm going to wear one of these?" She shouted and stood up. "No, calm down Perrie." I said and stood up next to her. I took the pull ups out of her hands and tossed one to Jesy asking her to take one out. "I'm not wearing one of them." She cried and looked me straight in the eye, a few tears escaped her eyes. "Please, it's too protect you, not embarrass you." I whispered and wiped her tears. "No please don't make me." She cried. Jesy handed me a pull up. "Look it's not even that bad." I whispered and handed when one. "No it's hideous." She cried. "Why don't you try it on, see if they fit?" Leigh asked. "No." She cried and started sobbing into her hands. "Oh love." I cooed and pulled her into my body. "Just the one on, over your leggings. We need to see how well it fits." Jesy whispered and rubbed her back. She quickly pulled away and slid it up herself. "Happy now, you want me to fucking piss so you can see how much it fucking sags?" She screamed. "Well if you need to then go." Jesy smirked. Pez screamed. "Jesy!" I scolded. Perrie ripped it off her legs and threw it in Jesy's face! "You piss me off so much!" She cried and walked out.

It was night time now and we were all sat around the TV on our beds watching The Greatest Showman, but I can tell Perrie is about to fall asleep, she hadn't said a word to anyone since the pull up situation earlier, but she has cuddled up to my side hid her face in my neck when Jesy tried to speak to her. "Go to sleep baby." I whispered and rubbed her hair, she was forcing to keep her eyes open. Thankfully after me saying that her eyes dropped.

The film was just about to finish when Leigh sighed. I looked at her and saw she was looking at Perrie's crotch. A dark, wet patch had formed there. "Oh Pez." I whispered. "Jesy, pass me a pull up." I sighed and woke Perrie up. "Baby, you've wet the bed again, let's get you cleaned up." I whispered she opened her eyes slightly and trudged to the bathroom. "Good luck." Leigh sighed I rolled my eyes and joined the blonde beauty in the bathroom. She had her legs out and I pulled off her wet shorts and knickers. "Stand up love." I whispered once the pull up was around her ankles she did so and I pulled it snuggly over her bottom. "I love you Perrie." I whispered and hugged her. "Hmmm." She replied. I giggled and walked us back out, she flopped onto the now dry bed. "She is still asleep, she probably doesn't even know it's on." I whispered when Jesy and Leigh gave me shocked looks.

I woke up to a very unfamiliar feeling between my legs, I instantly panicked and shot up. In between my legs was a wet nappy. It was wrapped around my legs! I was wearing a fucking nappy, I'm 24 not 2! I noticed it in the mirror and walked closer, it so ugly. That's when I broke into tears. "I'm 24." I whispered and tugged at it. I cried and cried, feeling around it, noticing it was wet, looking at how much it sagged. Since it was wet I know the girls will make me wear it again. Just then I felt two arms wrap securely around my waist. "It's okay." I heard Leigh whisper. "It's not, I'm 24." I cried and turned so I hid my face on her shoulder. "Oh sweetheart, these things happen." She whispered and rubbed my back. "It's so ugly." I cried. "Don't say that love. No one else will see it except us." She reassured me. "Come on let's sit down," she said and pulled me to the sofa. "Listen, it's too protect you, we aren't trying to embarrass you or humiliate you we just want to protect you and make less work for us by not changing your sheets but mainly protect you." She chuckled. I did let out a little laugh. "Perrie, please darling. You only have to wear them until you can manage to stay dry for a couple of days. And you don't have to wear them during the day or in public. I promise only us girls will know." She sad, I nodded. Maybe this isn't too bad.

Hope you liked it!! X

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