Arenas PT2

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1 month later
It's been very tough, very hard and very emotional this last month. We have had so much support from everyone which makes us all happy, but it is still devastating to think about the abnormality of that day. Me, Jesy and Leigh have all grown immune to the fact it happened, well sort of. Obviously we still have sad thoughts but we know now that it has all happened, everything is done and as horrible as it sounds we need to get over it. But Perrie, she is crying everyday, she isn't eating without us making her, she is hardly sleeping and when's eh does sleep she wakes up from nightmares. She also won't stay anywhere by herself. We've all had our fair cries on each other but with Perrie, it's every day and every night. When Ellie isn't at home, she will come to mine, Jesy's or Leigh's house or even Alex's when he isn't at training. She won't even sleep in her own bed. Ellie rang me the other night really confused because Perrie crawled into her bed at 1am, and wouldn't stop crying. Obviously everyone everywhere knew what happened but know one knew it would effect Perrie like this. We've all been hurt but Pez is another question.

Today we had an interview, the first one since the incident. Only few people know about how badly this has effected Perrie and hopefully we can keep it that way. Right now, me and Pez were in the car on our way to Capital FM where we were meeting with the other two and our manager. Perrie had her head resting on my shoulder, it's horrible seeing her so broken, it is like the Zerrie break up all over but this time over 1000 people where injured as the cause.

Jade and Perrie just pulled up so they came walking in, Perrie had a tight grip on Jade's hand since it was difficult to walk through the paps. "Hey girls." Jesy smiled and opened her arms we all wiggled into her arms. "Paul has gone to ask the interviewers not to mention anything about it." I smiled and looked at Pez then rubbed her shoulder when she smiled sadly. "How are you babe?"  I asked. She shrugged and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I love you." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "I love you too." She shifted.

We walked into the interview being followed by a fake round of applause. Jesy went first, then Pez, then Jade then me. We sat down in front of the microphones and got introduced. "How are you girls?" Roman asked. We all nodded and replied with a simple "We're good." He nodded and looked down at his paper. "So a lot of mixers have been asking for the next album, any ideas when it will be out?" He smiled. "Hopefully by the end of the year, we've been trying our best in studio and have about 8 songs recorded and most of them written." Jesy answered we all nodded in agreement. I noticed that Jade reached for Perrie's hand so I looked at Pez and saw tears in her eyes. I didn't want to make a fuss so I smiled weakly at her.

After a couple more questions on our songs and the album, Roman let out a loud sigh and began. "It's been a tough month girls." He smiled at us we nodded and hoped he wouldn't continue and go onto the subject of the bombing. "Can I just ask, what were you thoughts when you heard the first bomb go off?" He asked. "A lot of thoughts really." Jade replied sadly, Perrie looked down. "Where were you when the first bomb went off?" He asked. I really didn't want to speak about this. "The dressing room." I replied nonetheless. "It took you a while to get tot he tour bus, it didn't start driving as fast as we thought it would." He said. "Yeah, stuff happened back stage." Jesy said. I could see tears in her eyes too. "Wasn't there a gun man?" He asked. Just then, Perrie shot up and walked out. We could tell she was crying from the way her shoulders were moving, Jade rushed after her and I apologised and ran off too, closely followed by Jesy.

We went back to the dressing room and saw Perrie sat on the floor with her back to the wall crying into Jades chest. "Oh baby girl." Jesy cried and ran to sit next to her. "I'm sorry." Pez cried. "Don't be sorry baby, it's okay." I rubbed her back. She just burst into more tears. "Why can't I stop crying?" She cried and slapped her face gently. "Stop it Pez." Jade whispered and held her hands down and then climbed in behind her. She leant into Jades body and carried on crying. I rubbed her leg. "You'll be okay baby, you're just getting better I promise." I smiled. Just then Paul burst through the dressing room door. "Get back now." He said sternly. "No." Jesy said and stood up. "Jesy! Get out there now." He said and pointed back to the interview room. "You told them not to talk about it, they did and asked questions now Pez is like this." Jesy shouted. "Jess, calm down." I said and stood up. "Perrie, it's happened. People are dead, people are injured, you need to snap out of this stupid depressed state." He shouted. Pez looked at him then got up and ran into the bathroom. "You're fired you fucking prat!!" Jade screamed and ran after Perrie. "Why don't you get out!" I screamed, he nodded sadly and walked away.

"Pez open up sweetheart." I said knocking on the door, I heard Jesy shout at Paul and I was quickly joined with my other two sisters. "Come on baby, open up. Paul's gone." Leigh said the door un-clicked and Pez walked out. "C-can we go home?" She asked. We all nodded and hugged her.

I took Perrie to my house, since she still won't stay by herself. We walked into my house and she was still latched onto my arm. "How about a bath?" I asked her, she looked at em and nodded. We walked up stairs and into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet seat whilst I started running it. "Is it weird for me to ask you if you can come in to?" Pez asked me. I looked at her and shook my head. "I'll come in with you if you want." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Once we were both undressed, I climbed in and sat back, she then joined me and led into my body. Surprisingly it wasn't awkward at all. She pushed her body further into mine, clearly finding comfort. "You okay?" I add her, she nodded sadly. "Pez, listen to me." I started, she turned her head so she was looking at me. "I want you to know, everything that happened with the bombs, with Josh, with the gun man, none of it was your fault. That stupid suicide bomber killed so many people is a heartless dick head who deserves to be suffering for the rest of his life. It hurst us all to see you so devastated all the time. It breaks my heart Pez. We all love you infinite amounts and we all dream to see your smile again." I said, she nodded and her eyes filled with tears. "You'll be okay I promise." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into me. "Thank you Jade, I think I really needed that." She smiled and sighed contently. The first real smile I've seen on her face since the bombs.

There will be a part 3 soon but I just wanted to make sure that you all know how much the Manchester bombing devastated me. My best friends, friends mum died there and my girl friend at the time was at the concert. She came home and came to me the next day she was so devastated. It pains me to know how selfish some people are, stupid suicide bomber is so so stupid and deserves to suffer for the rest of his life. But I just want to make it clear, by making this one shot, I don't want to loose respect for any of the people who died because they will always be in my heart. Thank you for reading these, it makes me very grateful. And I send all my prayers to them people effected.
REST IN PEACE. xxxxxxxx

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